851G.00/8–1247: Telegram

The Vice Consul at Hanoi (O’Sullivan) to the Secretary of State


257. Bollaert’s precipitous departure, official announcement of which delayed until his plane left this morning, still not fully comprehensible. “L’Entente” states simply that he wishes to “mettre au point” with govt “important” speech he scheduled to make near future.

It now seems clear that night August 8 or morning August 9 he received orders from Paris, presumably Moutet and/or Ramadier, to clear text fully his “important” speech with Govt. Bollaert then decided to return, with scheduled ETA Indochina August 25.

I am inclined to believe, however, that his return due to differences of opinion between Bollaert and officials in Paris, probably along lines indicated mytel 247, August 1.50 Bollaert, I feel, not wanted treat with Ho and is prepared make proposition similar to Mus proposal in May wath such conditions that Ho would refuse. He was then prepared to inform Paris that no agreement with Ho possible and have French military authorities launch full scale military campaign in dry fall season. It seems probable that he wishes to support this policy in Paris personally. In this connection, ranking brass now in Hanoi, possibly planning details of such autumn campaign in event negotiations fail. Prevalent French military opinion which Bollaert may have accepted, altho it has been consistently wrong in past 18 months, [Page 132] is that, in 3 months’ fall campaign, Viet Nam Government would be crushed. In this connection see my telegram 159, May 10.1

Repeat to Paris.

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  2. Not printed.