851G.00/8–847: Telegram

The Ambassador in Siam (Stanton) to the Secretary of State


603.1. In long conversation with Gilbert, new French Minister, he expressed following views and observations re Indochina. He said in [Page 130] his opinion which perhaps reflects view some portion of French Foreign Office settlement difficulties with Vietnam could only be accomplished by dealing with Ho Chi Minh. He said that although there danger dealing with Ho view his well-known Communistic leanings that was possible he could be induced reorganize government to exclude more radical elements and include conservatives and liberals. He added recent reorganization Vietnam Government on July 19 eliminating Giap no doubt represented gesture by Ho. He went on to say that in any event settlement this problem must be effected without delay since present stalemate serious disadvantage to France and was subject constant criticism by Communist and other elements in France.

2. Re Laos and Cambodians, he stated new constitution granted these states within recent months giving them greater autonomy. He said goal was grant them same measure independence granted Philippines48 with orientation in economic and political matters toward France. Gilbert continuing efforts initiated by Daridan persuade Free Cambodians and Free Laos leaders Bangkok to return their respective countries; these efforts believed meeting with some success but these representatives insist any formal agreement reached with authorities Indochina must be certified in presence French Minister here, indicating little confidence French authorities Indochina.

3. Gilbert mentioned recommendation conciliation commission regarding establishment international consultative commission with headquarters Bangkok and inquired our attitude re such commission. I replied no instructions received re this matter. Thompson49 informed me later he had made similar reply Gilbert. For Department’s information, I gather Siam attitude is that such commission would be of little value inasmuch as Vietnam, Laos and Cambodian Governments would not under present conditions be able participate as free and independent states. Understand this and other recommendations conciliation commission be submitted to Parliament by Siam Government in next week or 10 days. At such time full report of work of Siam representatives to conciliation commission will be submitted. Understood government intends leave up to Parliament decision whether commission’s recommendation should be accepted and position Siam Government should adopt.

This repeated Saigon as No. 30, to Hanoi as M 80 by courier.

Department please repeat Paris.

  1. Telegram 458, August 13, 5 p.m., to Bangkok, asked that the French Minister be informed that the Philippines was wholly independent and that any special arrangements with the United States were based on the free decision of the people through plebiscite or their elected representatives (851G.00/8–847).
  2. Geoffrey H. Thompson, British Ambassador in Siam.