851G.01/7–2847: Telegram

The Vice Consul at Hanoi (O’Sullivan) to the Secretary of State


244. Radio Viet Nam today, in English, French and Viet Namese, announced following changes result decree July 19 by Government and approved by permanent committee of National Assembly: (compare with my A–4, May 737).

Communist Minister of Interior, Ton Due Thang, made “inspector general” (which puts him on political shelf) and will be replaced by “someone from Cochin China” as yet unnamed.
Ta Quang Buu, Vice Minister of National Defense, replaces Vo Nguyen Giap who is named Commander in Chief Armed Forces including Tuve.
New Ministry War Invalids and Victims created with Minister Vu Dinh Tuy (Catholic said be ablest Viet Namese surgeon), Vice Minister Ngo Tu Ha, Catholic (both politically unimportant).
Ton That Tung, head of Red Cross, replaced Nguyen Kinh Chi as Vice Minister Public Health “during latter’s absence”.
Cu Huy Can, Vice Minister of Agriculture, becomes Second Vice Minister National Economy and is replaced in Agriculture by Nghiem Xuan Yem, irrigation expert and non-Communist.
Le Aung (from Annam) replaced Dang Phuc Thong (who still retains title apparently) as Vice Minister Public Works during “temporary absence of latter”.

Internally changes represent swing from Communists and attempted appeasement Cochin Chinese resistants (who will have important Ministry of Interior) as well as Catholics and particularly Bishop Le Huu Tu. Giap still runs army but some concession apparently made to prepare grounds for regulation of latent conflict between Giap and Nguyen Kinh which may break out in future. Changes represent no fundamental shift in power, however.

Externally reorganization is apparently designed to open way for talks with French (see last paragraph my telegram 63, February [Page 127] 1938). One well-informed Viet Namese believes reorganization also indicates Ho’s advances to Bao Dai have fallen through.

Repeat to Paris.

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