851G.00/6–1747: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
u.s. urgent
2201. Kenneth Campbell N Y Times dispatch datelined Paris June 16 quoted authoritative French sources to effect US has urged French terminate conflict with Vietnam, pointedly referring to undesirability prolonged conflict strategic Indochina and to possibility unrest might spread beyond Indochina.
Dept replying press inquiries along following lines:
“We are continuing to keep in touch with the French Govt concerning the disturbed situation in Indochina as indicated by Mr. Acheson in his press conference of 27 Dec last. Our deep concern that a pacific basis be found for the adjustment of the situation was voiced by Secretary Marshall in his press conference of Feb. 7.18 Ambassador Caffery maintains contact with the French Govt on developments in the situation and has, of course, expressed similar views.”
(Sent Paris as 2201; rept Saigon as 98, and Hanoi as 54.)