845C.00/1–2747: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
us urgent
461. Following press release issued Jan 28 re Burma settlement.
“The Department of State welcomes the announcement that the conversations between the British Government and Burmese political leaders in London have ended with a mutually satisfactory settlement placing Burma well on the road to full self-government. We look forward to increasingly cordial relations with this emerging Asiatic country.”
Re exchange diplomatic reps Dept will await formal approach from Brit Govt and GOB before taking any action this matter. Urtel 570 Jan 27.
We are inclined believe in view certain differences authority proposed Burma Interim Govt and that present Indian Interim Govt in fields finance, defense and foreign affairs it would be more appropriate initiate representation on diplomatic agent level pending further developments. Your discretion this tentative view may be conveyed to Brit Govt and GOB when formal approach made in order their reactions may be cabled when you request Dept’s instructions.
Rangoon requested cable its appraisal significance abstention U Saw and Ba Sein from London settlement.
Sent London 461, rptd Rangoon 48,28 Nanking 110, Bangkok 59.