War claims: reparations, restitution, levels of industry and of production 15

15. For previous documentation on war claims and reparations, see Foreign Relations, 1946, vol. viii, pp. 471 ff.

[351] The Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Japan (Atcheson)

740.00119 FEAC (Info)/7–3147: Telegram

[352] The Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Japan (Atcheson)

740.00119 FEAC/8–547: Telegram

[353] The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald)

740.00119 FEAC (Info)/8–2047: Telegram

[357] The Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Wang) to the Secretary of State

740.0011 PW (Peace)/10–947

[360] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers

740.00119 PW/11–1247: Circular telegram

[365] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

740.00119 PW/12–1047: Telegram