Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of British Commonwealth Affairs (Fales)
Participants: | Mr. Lovett |
Sir John Balfour | |
NEA: Mr. Henderson | |
BC: Mr. Fales |
Sir John stated that he had called in order to enlist “supporting action” to Britain’s efforts to stop illegal immigration into Palestine. He referred to conversations on this subject between the Secretary and Mr. Bevin in London. He suggested this Government either continue its efforts of persuasion with the Jewish agencies or issue a statement condemning illegal immigration into Palestine.
Mr. Lovett recalled the actions taken over the past several months to delay the sailing of the ship Colonel Frederick C. Johnson and indicated that further efforts would be made if the British would authorize us to release information which would justify further action. Mr. Lovett referred to past efforts of persuasion which had been taken and indicated the difficulty of going beyond the President’s statement of last June. The General Assembly Resolution (Nov. 29, 1947) providing for immigration after February 1 under the mandatory power was referred to and it was agreed that this Government could make no statement contrary to that resolution for which we had voted.
Discussion ensued of the possibility of Britain entering into an agreement with the Jewish Agency which would provide for regular immigration of refugees in Cyprus and possibly, if insisted on by the Zionists, of the Exodus group now in Germany, during the period of the mandate in return for a commitment that there would be no attempt to force other immigration; such an agreement to also provide that a seaport for immigration would not be established in Palestine until Britain had laid down the mandate.
Sir John felt that such an agreement held possibilities which should be examined and said that he would transmit the suggestion to his Government.