125.4916/12–1047: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Jerusalem


545. Contel 489 [589], Dec. 10. In reply your lettered paragraphs:

Dept envisages continued functioning Jerusalem office pending clear picture course future developments in Palestine may take.
On basis UN Palestine recommendation Dept considers Consulate General should deal with Palestine Administration until mandate is terminated; with the provisional councils of govt, the UN administration for Jerusalem and the British military “authorities in their respective areas thereafter until Oct 1, 1948; and with the councils of govt of the two areas and the UN administration for Jerusalem after Oct 1, 1948.
Consulate General should cooperate with UN Commission as agency of transfer keeping it informed of important developments in relations between Consulate General and post-mandate authorities. If subsequent developments should prevent formation or restrict activities of Councils of Government envisaged in UN plan, additional instructions will be sent you by the Dept.
UN recommendation made no provision for security forces other than militia for maintenance internal law and order. Provision of guard for Consulate General being discussed in Dept. To facilitate telegraph estimate no. and desired date arrival.
Dept assumes present and planned radio equipment (Deptel 526, Dec 12 and Contel 599, Dec 131) adequate to assure maintenance communications. Navy Wash being informed and requested arrange contact with Jerusalem.
Dept concerned possible food shortage Jerusalem. If present or future needs cannot be supplied in Palestine or from nearby countries, telegraph estimate needs from US and whether you desire establish commissary.
No change contemplated in present US policy prohibiting export military supplies to Palestine and Arab States.

  1. Neither printed.