867N.01/12–1747: Telegram

The Consul General at Jerusalem (Macatee) to the Secretary of State


615. Myerson, JA political chief, called December 15, complained about Palestine Government.1 Said she saw sinister design in actions government adding while Jews can take care of themselves against Arabs, British and Arabs together too much. Cited several examples of “government discrimination” against Jews, including prohibition against Jewish settlement police using armored cars.

After adding Jews may be forced to war with both government and Arabs she wondered what outsiders would think if Jews remained quiet under “provocation”. I remarked restraining on part of Jews will not be considered weakness but sign of strength that so much had [Page 1315] been attributed to Jews because of terrorism that exhibition of restraint could not fail bring favorable reaction. Myerson wants UN committee here quickly, failing that a UN observer “who could keep eye on government”. Asked that her remarks be reported US Government.

This frame of mind typical of JA these days as their many difficulties increase. Having at first welcomed British handing over Tel Aviv area to Jewish police, now sees sinister design here also, commenting since British and Arabs remaining in Jaffa Jews will be compelled to fight them both.

Similar views expressed in Palestine Post editorial yesterday commenting upon which high government official said government felt if Jews took over own defence same would have to apply Arabs. Jews were not willing accept this therefore government feels their argument not valid.

  1. Telegram 586, December 9, 1 p. m., from Jerusalem, reported that Mrs. Myerson, accompanied by Mr. Ben-Gurion, informed Mr. Macatee on December 8 that the Jewish Agency thought the Government of Palestine was unnecessarily lenient in controlling the Arabs. She expressed distress at news of an Arab ambush of a convoy on the Jerusalem–Tel Aviv road at which the Mukytar of Yagur, a close friend, and a high-ranking Haganah officer had been killed. (867N.01/12–947).