890G.00/12–247: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iraq
451. Dept is deeply concerned lest anger of Iraqis arising from Palestine decision in UN might express itself in attacks upon Jews in Baghdad or elsewhere. Aside from humanitarian considerations it would be extremely unfortunate from point of view of security of Middle East, of interests of US, and of Iraq itself if Iraqi Govt should fail to grant full protection to local Jewish communities in case of outbursts of violence against them. You should therefore on all appropriate occasions endeavor to impress upon Iraqi authorities how important it is that they do not permit popular indignation to vent itself in violence against Jews. Dept leaves to your discretion manner and timing of such approaches as you may make.
This message is being repeated to our Missions in other Arab countries, which should follow parallel course with respect to govts to which they are accredited, and to Jerusalem for info.
Sent Baghdad as Dept’s 451 rptd Beirut as Dept’s 535 Cairo as Dept’s 1609 Damascus as Dept’s 270 Jidda as Dept’s 376 and Jerusalem as Dept’s 499.1
- Telegram 451 was repeated also as telegram 761, December 5, 7 p. m., to Tehran (501.BB Palestine/12–147).↩