867N.01/10–1547: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Saudi Arabia
339. In response SAG note quoted Legtel 431 Oct 15 express appreciation US Govt for views expressed and state they have been given careful consideration. Give assurance that US Govt has sought to [Page 1229] impose no unilateral solution Palestine problem but has advocated finding by UN of fair and just solution.
For your info SAG note, although apparently sent consequent meeting Pol Committee Arab League Sept 19, bears little or no resemblance to notes from other Arab Govts and is much more moderate,1
Sent Jidda, repeated London, USUN.
- In reply on November 4 (telegram 467 from Jidda), Chargé Bailey stated: “Deputy Foreign Minister told me today SAG greatly disappointed Department’s reply in note quoted Legtel 431, October 15 saying “SAG cannot understand how US can say it has sought impose no unilateral solution Palestine problem and has advocated fair and just solution after favoring partition and openly opposing Arab cause; US must alter its stand re Palestine and withdraw its active support of Zionism if it hopes retain SAG unquestioned friendship now being strained; US constantly losing prestige Arab world; SAG is United States’ best friend and advises entire Arab world so when US loses prestige so does SA’. Last statement I heartily concur.” (867N.01/11–447)↩