501.BB Palestine/9–347: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State


4765. Following obtained informally September 2 from Iraqi FonMin Jamali who is departing for UN, GA via SS Queen Mary September 4:

UNSCOP report in Jamali’s view proves Arab wisdom in boycotting UNSCOP, both majority and minority reports are “ridiculous” and are not in accord with general recommendations. For example if Palestine cannot be considered as solution of Jewish problem, why admit great wave of DP Jews? If economic unity of Palestine is indispensable why not political unity, without which economic unity cannot exist?
Jamali said that if UN GA takes “wrong course” it will “mean end of UN for all Arab States”. He had “not slightest doubt about this”.
Jamali hoped that there would be no Palestine Arab uprising against Jews before UN GA dealt with Palestine. If UN GA accepted anything like UNSCOP recommendations there would, in his view, be bloody Arab uprising first against Jews as invaders and second against British troops if these interfered. Asked whether Mufti would give Arab uprising signal, Jamali replied “he might” but other people could give signal too.
Jamali had come to London partly with a view to discussing UNSCOP report with Bevin and other British officials. However, after talking to Beeley and others he was convinced that British Government [Page 1145] has not yet taken its decision re report. He now believes British Government ideas may not be formulated until last minute.

Sent Department 4765, repeated Baghdad 62.
