
The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Bevin) to the Secretary of State 1

Dear Mr. Marshall: Lord Inverchapel will have told you of our grave concern at the persistent and successful attempts of Jewish organizations to send Jewish illegal immigrants to Palestine from various European countries and will have explained to you how much we regret that the funds for this illegal immigrant traffic are largely subscribed in the United States.

For this reason, His Majesty’s Government have greatly valued the recent statement of President Truman2 calling the attention of the American people to the resolution recently adopted by the United Nations Assembly requesting all Governments and peoples to refrain, pending action by the General Assembly on the report of the Special Committee on Palestine, from the threat or use of force, or any other action which might create an atmosphere prejudicial to an early [Page 1113] settlement of the question of Palestine. We hope also that the publicity which Trygve Lie has given to Cadogan’s note to him,3 asking that all Member States should take the strictest precautions to prevent the transit through their territory and the departure from their ports of Jews attempting to enter Palestine illegally, will discourage the activities of the organisers of this traffic, who are using Jewish refugees as a means of exerting political pressure on the Government of Palestine at a moment when the future of that country is under consideration by the United Nations.

May we count upon the assistance of your Government in preventing the situation from deteriorating still further? I should like to ask in particular that United States officials and representatives on charitable and refugee organizations in Europe should be requested to discourage the unauthorised movement of Jewish refugees leading to the departure of illegal immigrant ships for Palestine. My colleagues and I feel very strongly that the organisers of this traffic are not only endangering the peace and security of the Middle East but are now flouting the authority of the United Nations.

Yours sincerely,

Ernest Bevin
  1. This letter is numbered E 5001/48/G and is marked “confidential” and “personal”.
  2. Issued on June 5; see editorial note, p. 1101.
  3. Dated May 23; for text, see UNSCOP , vol. ii, p. 12.