867.00/3–447: Telegram

The Ambassador in Turkey (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


156. Turk press past two days published circumstantial reports from Washington and London regarding British notes to US on Greece and Turkey (top secret Deptel 98, Feb. 28). Late yesterday afternoon Foreign Minister1 asked me call on him. He read me other press reports received by press bureau not allowed be published of sensational and alarming character. These to effect Britain on point collapse asking US assume all political commitments Middle East; also implying imminence serious international events. Saka said Cabinet met in morning consider these reports and later he called by President2 who asked him confer with me and set forth Turk position in light these reports.

Saka said Turk Govt seriously disturbed. He said Turkey in past looked to UK for supply military equipment. In Feb. 1946 when London for UN he presented to Bevin list Turk Army requirements to bring army up to strength value 80 million liras. Upshot was Britain unwilling sell except for cash, Turkey unwilling buy except on credit and nothing accomplished except number airplanes purchased on virtual cash basis. Saka said our Military Attaché informed of Turk military requirements last autumn and Saka now requested that Colonel Roberts call without delay at General Staff be informed present status requirements. He said if press reports true then Turkey must turn to US for assistance it had previously sought from Britain regarding military equipment. He mentioned Turk Army about 80 percent equipped with German matériel and would be helpful if US could supply further German equipment captured during war. He added Turk Govt must seek credit terms as unable pay cash.

Furthermore Saka said if reports of impending international crisis true Turk Army must take immediate steps get on footing meet any emergency and would require assistance from US to that end.

Without indicating I had any knowledge contents British notes I sought allay his evident concern. I said if British had sent notes to US as reported it seemed to me this meant only that situation had now come to head which has been in making for some time. British bore brunt two great wars and now suffering economic crisis. However I did not for moment believe British unable continue critical commitment this area and if note sent I assumed Britain only seeking financial cooperation which understandable in view present economic [Page 89] crisis. So far as alarming reports regarding international situation concerned I believed nothing to justify this. As regards Turkey only threat could come from Soviets and seemed obvious that Soviets, also suffering severe economic difficulties, war weary and unpossessed atomic bomb, not likely provoke general war at present. Under circumstances I thought Turk Govt bearing in mind interest US in Turk situation, should remain calm, and in its thinking about military equipment take long range view of gradually strengthening effectiveness and not rush into any immediate war footing. As regards list required matériel given Roberts last October I said when Roberts returned from US recently he explained to General Staff Turk requirements still under active study Washington. I said I would ask Colonel Roberts call as requested at General Staff for further info. I pointed out Greece in much more serious situation than Turkey, in fact in state incipient warfare and in case US should be called on furnish military equipment anywhere seemed to me priority lies in Greece. I thought Turkey should agree with this since if Greece should fall under Communist domination Turkey’s position would be greatly weakened.

Saka agreed with what I said, repeated his request that Roberts call at General Staff and said he would appreciate any info I could give him regarding developments at Washington as Turk Govt naturally seriously concerned. I hope Department will modify soon as possible instructions last paragraph Deptel 98 as good share of story seems to have been broken already in press and will begin to look soon to Turks as if I am holding back on them.

I expect to cable later today (Deptel 98) comments on note concerning Turkey.

  1. Hasan Saka.
  2. Ismet Inönü.