NEA Files: Lot 55–D36

Statement by the United States and the United Kingdom Groups

top secret

Supply of Arms and Equipment to Middle Eastern Countries

The American group stated that it is current American policy to confine arms sales to countries of the Middle East to reasonable quantities required for the maintenance of internal security. The only exceptions thereto were Greece and Turkey in respect of which special supply programs had been instituted. It was possible, however, that it might be desired in due course to review this policy with a view to furnishing equipment to the countries of the area which would make it possible for them to assume a higher degree of responsibility for their own defense. Both groups were of the opinion that a full exchange of views and information on this subject should be maintained.

The American group also discussed training from the standpoint of receiving foreign military students and of spending American military missions to the Middle East. Regarding the former, a limitation was imposed by the lack of facilities and regarding the latter, enabling legislation is awaited which would make it possible to act favorably on requests which have been received for U.S. military missions subsequent to the lapse of wartime emergency powers under which several American military missions were previously sent to certain Middle Eastern countries.