
Memorandum Regarding Proposals Contained in British Aide-Mémoires of February 21 Relating to Greece and Turkey1

top secret

[Here follows portion of memorandum printed with slight variations in language as “Analysis of Proposals Contained in British Notes of February 24 Relating to Greece and Turkey (For Discussion Purposes Only)”, page 48.]

It is recommended that:

The Department of State, at the highest level, enter into immediate discussions of this matter with the Departments of War, Navy and Treasury.
The four Departments lay their findings before the President.
In case the four Departments agree that the United States, in cooperation with Great Britain, should render assistance along the lines suggested to Greece and Turkey, the matter be discussed frankly and secretly with the appropriate Congressional leaders in an effort to obtain Congressional support.
Instructions be issued at once for the Combined Chiefs of Staff to begin an examination of the technical aspects of the problem, including the study of the documents at the disposal of the British Joint Staff Mission in Washington.
The British and American Governments should begin to confer regarding the exact character and extent of the assistance which must be extended.
Appropriate steps be taken to acquaint the American people with the necessity of rendering assistance of the character contemplated to Greece and Turkey and to let the Governments and peoples of those two countries know that the United States is prepared to implement its avowed policies with regard to them.
Appropriate measures be taken to arrange the immediate delivery to Greece of such military equipment as may be transferred without the passage of special legislation. Similar efforts should be made to furnish Turkey those supplies of which, in the opinion of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, Turkey stands in urgent need at the present time.
Appropriate measures be taken by the Administration to enlist the wholehearted support of all executive agencies of this Government in rendering this assistance.
Appropriate legislation be drafted and presented to Congress at the earliest possible date which would enable the United States Government to extend large credits or grants to Greece and Turkey in amounts and under conditions which would enable their utilization under American supervision for strengthening the economy and promoting the stability of those countries.
Such additional legislation be drafted and presented to Congress at the earliest possible time as may be required to enable this Government to furnish to Greece and Turkey necessary military equipment.
Every effort be made at the highest Governmental levels to find means, without waiting for legislation, to furnish Greece with sufficient funds to enable it to meet its current requirements for foreign exchange.

  1. Transmitted to the Secretary of State by R. Bordon Reams in a memorandum of February 24. Mr. Reams was Special Assistant to Secretary of State Marshall.