123 Cabot, John M.: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Yugoslavia

confidential   urgent

313. Urtels 472 and 473.1 You are authorized to acknowledge FonOff reply re Pec incident stating Dept appreciates Yugos expression regrets and of confidence that such occurrences will not be repeated and adding that US Govt hopes that Yugos are taking appropriate disciplinary action against individuals responsible, and effective measures to prevent the repetition of such incidents.2

For your info, while Dept, in absence accompanying disciplinary and future preventive action, regards Yugos expression of “regrets” [Page 796] less than satisfactory basis resolution matter, it is felt further representations, either along lines suggested urtel 470 May 93 re personal apology by responsible Yugos officials and request release Wedge and translators or otherwise unlikely achieve useful result present circumstances and consequently inadvisable.

Dept contemplates making background memorandum together substance notes exchanged available press here noon May 13 and you may so inform FonOff.

  1. Neither of the telegrams under reference is printed. They were both concerned with the transmission to the Department of the texts of the exchange of notes between the Embassy in Belgrade and the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry regarding the Pec incident (123 Cabot, John M.).
  2. The Embassy sent a note to the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry on May 16 in pursuance of these instructions. A copy of the Embassy’s note, dated May 15, was transmitted to the Department in despatch 875, May 19, from Belgrade, neither printed (123 Cabot, John M.).
  3. Not printed.