860H.5018/3–1047: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Yugoslavia
145. Urtels 240,1 244,2 245,3 246,4 etc.) Dept’s immediately following telegram contains text release5 which, subject your comment, we propose making to press upon receipt your report that substance has been made known verbally to FonOff. Please inform FonOff urgently adding that decision possible small US allocations for purchase May or June referred to this statement depend upon urgent [Page 781] Yugos showing serious Yugos need in relation other critically deficient countries and early concrete manifestation Yugos determination distribute domestic supplies to deficit area Yugos efficiently and without discrimination.6
For your info Dept informing UNRRA US cannot at present make grain available. Comments on publicity urtel 215, March 57 noted.
- Telegram 240, March 10, from Belgrade, p. 775.↩
- Telegram 244, March 11, from Belgrade, not printed; it reviewed the grain situation in Yugoslavia (102.78/3–1147).↩
- Telegram 245, March 11, from Belgrade, not printed; it reported that the local Red Cross representative, who was withdrawing from Yugoslavia in April, recommended rejection of a Yugoslav Red Cross request for food supplies on the ground that Yugoslavia had grossly mismanaged its situation and could probably get by on its own resources (860H.5018/3–1147).↩
- Telegram 246, March 11, from Belgrade, not printed, reported that Yugoslavia had offered to ship 30,000 pigs to Poland. Chargé Cabot observed that this event emphasized the need for adequate controls in order to assure that any food furnished to Yugoslavia by the United States actually benefited hungry people (860H.5018/3–1147).↩
- Telegram 146, March 15, to Belgrade, under reference here, is not printed. For the text of the Department’s press release on the American position on relief to Yugoslavia, see Department of State Bulletin, March 30, 1947, p. 585.↩
- In telegram 275, March 18, from Belgrade, Chargé Cabot reported that he had spoken to Velebit in accordance with the Department’s instructions (860H.48/3–1847).↩
- Not printed.↩