361.1121/7–2547: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
2505. Personal for Thompson1 EE. For immediate action. Unless Dept perceives serious objection I intend seek interview Molotov convey him orally and in writing contents of the two following communications. Before doing so, however, please inform me as matter of urgency if Dept has taken any position or if anything has transpired contrary to statements of fact contained therein. In event satisfactory results my démarche not obtained from Foreign Office within reasonable time, say 30 days, I recommend these communications and correspondence which preceded them (reEmbtel 1988, June 3, 1947, 10 a.m.) be made public in order Dept and mission not be placed in position of having take defensive attitude before American public opinion in connection with protection our citizens in Soviet Union.
[The drafts which follow of these two notes are not reproduced. The Department approved the intention to deliver the notes to Foreign Minister Molotov and in telegram 1533 on July 29, 8 p. m., not printed, sent to the Embassy many suggested alterations in the draft wording of the notes. The text of the notes as finally presented on August 5 was sent to the Department in despatch 1513 from Moscow on August 6, p. 735.]
- Llewellyn E. Thompson, Jr., was chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs.↩