865.014/3–1247: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union


490. Pls inform FonOff this Govt feels Four Power Commission, under whose auspices Italo-Yugo provisional frontier now being delimited (Deptel 612 to Paris, 251 to Moscow Feb 15), shd extend its activities to supervise provisional delimitation Free Territory of Trieste frontiers to be established under Arts 4 and 22 Ital treaty.

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If FonOff concurs, this Govt suggests US, UK, USSR and French diplomatic reps Rome and Belgrade be instructed propose to Ital and Yugo Govts Mar 17 that they appoint reps for reconnaissance and provisional delimitation of Italo-Free Territory and Yugo-Free Territory frontiers, respectively, with reps Allied Military Govt in Venezia Giulia. Reconnaissance shd begin immediately upon completion present provisional delimitation Ital-Yugo frontier.

(Sent Moscow as 490 and Paris as 945, rptd for info to Rome as 348 and Belgrade as 135.)
