861.5151/12–2247; Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union

us urgent   niact

2045. For Emb’s info in connection projected joint protest there follows brief summary original discussions with Sov authorities leading to establishment special dip exchange rate for foreign missions in Moscow (urtel 3398 Dec 18). Dip exchange rate was determined early in 1941 as result direct representations by dip corps and following prolonged negotiations pursued by dean of corps German Amb with Narkomindel.1 Unilateral character present Sov action in amending that rate without further consultation dip corps is therefore in contradiction with precedent fixed in 1941 by Sov Govt itself. Dept feels that by having then recognized question dip exchange rate as proper subject for discussion with dip corps, present action Sov Govt without prior consultation with or notice to dip corps is inconsistent. You are instructed to bring these considerations to attention your colleagues with view to their possible incorporation in joint protest.

  1. For documentation on the establishment of the diplomatic exchange rate of 12 rubles for $1, and the role played by the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador Friedrich Werner, Count von der Schulenburg, see Foreign Relations, 1941, vol. i, pp. 870872, 875877.