861.9111 R. R./4–747: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State

1224. Soviet press April 5 carries following answers by Molotov to questions presented by Johannes Steele:1

Question: Do you consider that American proposals in regard to political organization Germany will lead to this country’s dismemberment?
Answer: Such danger exists.
Question: What in your opinion will be consequences of such decision?
Answer: Consequences such decision will be undesirable because they could give German militarists and revanchists opportunity to take in their own hands matter of unific[action of] Germany as occurred, for example, under Bismarck.
Question: Do you consider compromise possible between Russian proposal on German unity and American proposal on federalization?
Answer: I do not exclude this possibility if it can be agreed that German people itself decide question of federalization by means of plebiscite.
Question: Will reparations from Germany in amount 10 billion dollars be sufficient cover to some extent essential portion damage caused by German invaders?
Answer: This would of course be little for Soviet Union but could nevertheless give certain satisfaction to Soviet people.
Question: Are reparations primarily economic or moral question?
Answer: Reparations important from one viewpoint and other.
Question: Who has received most reparations up to present moment Great Britain, USA, or Soviet Union?
Answer: Without doubt USSR has received far less than Allies.
Question: In what manner can German peacetime production be raised so reparations might be paid from current production?
Answer: By means certain increase of level peacetime industry of Germany so portion production (metal, coal, et cetera) might go to payment reparations to countries which have suffered.
Question: How can democracy best be restored in Greece?
Answer: Best way is renunciation of foreign intervention in Greece’s internal affairs.
Question: Do you consider that American policy proposed by President Truman in regard Greece will restore democracy in Greece?
Answer: I very much doubt it as many others doubt.
Question: Do you believe that Moscow Conference Foreign Ministers serves useful purpose and will lead to any concrete results?
Answer: It is desirable that Moscow Conference bring maximum benefit to our common cause but this depends not only on Soviet delegation. At all events Soviet delegation will do everything dependent on it so that conference give favorable results.

  1. German radio commentator and newspaper writer.