860C.00/1–1447: Telegram
The Ambassador in Poland (Lane) to the Secretary of State
urgent niact
77. Following is unofficial translation Polish note January 14 signed by Olszewski1 replying to our note January 9 (Embtel 76, January 142).
“In connection with Your Excellency’s note of January 9 of this year and with the preceding notes regarding the elections in Poland I have the honor to communicate to Your Excellency in the name of my govt that the elections to the national representation in Poland will be carried out in accordance with the principles of Polish constitutional law and declarations made in Potsdam by the Polish Govt of national union.
“The election law passed on Sept 27, 1946 and all of the subsequent executive orders by the legal authorities determine the manner of carrying out the elections in accordance with the above principles.
“It is the objective and unchangeable concern of the Polish Govt to have the widest will of the Polish citizen participate in the elections and to have the result of the elections be the expression of the will of the voting citizens. My govt states regretfully that the fears raised in [Page 407] the notes of Your Excellency to the MinFonAff in connection with the elections apparently are based on distorted facts and unfounded reproaches which are raised by the anti-democratic elements which are working in Poland. I believe that the Govt of the US is aware that besides the lists of candidates of all Democratic and anti-Fascist parties there were also admitted lists of other political parties which were not registered as for instance the groups of Polish Catholics.
“In the light of the above decisions and executive orders there could not be any doubt that the elections to the national representative body which is a natural privilege of Polish sovereignty will take place on January 19 of the current year in accordance with the tradition of Polish democracy and of the will of the Polish nation.
“Considering this state of affairs it does not seem to my govt that further consideration of this question should find any justification. I take this occasion to convey to Your Excellency the expression of my deep esteem.”