864.00/7–2247: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Hungary


1047. Analysis Hun situation and accompanying recommendations re US policy toward that country (urdes 3284 July 22) have been reviewed with interest by Dept.

While Dept is in general agreement with your background comments and evaluation factors operative Hun affairs, it has certain reservations re recommendations and conclusions. Dept’s views and comments latter connection are as follows:

Dept is disposed, re fundamental issues arising from Sov and Com indirect aggression, to make full use of UN machinery but believes that advisability bringing particular cases before organization dependent overall political situation and considerations timing and procedural strategy. See Deptels 934 Aug 30 (sent London 37981) paragraphs 4 and 5 and 831 Aug 6 (sent London 2877 July 32).
Agree desirability reduction minimum Sov troops guarding communication line Austria, and, despite anticipated resistance prepared exert maximum influence this end. Further instructions contemplated.
See Deptel 934 Aug 30 paragraph 6.
On asylum aspects, see Deptel 686 June 30.3 There is no possibility Dept providing funds or facilities aid escape key Huns whose personal security may become endangered, and you should continue make this clear as occasion requires. Dept is not unmindful contribution which individual Huns may make to cause democracy and freedom both in Hun and abroad and, in this connection, Dept will endeavor according to its best judgment promote fulfillment by every appropriate and available means of those broad responsibilities and obligations which devolve upon us as free and democratic people. However, cause is Huns own no less than ours and if, devoted to these principles, desiring independence, and feeling sense of duty to themselves and Hun people, individual Huns assist that cause they must be prepared accept personal uncertainties and sacrifices inevitably involved in struggle for freedom. In coming months, this primary self-responsibility cannot be too clearly impressed upon pro-democratic elements in Hun political life, for in past they have not, generally speaking, [Page 394] evidenced any deep comprehension this fact and have, as you have pointed out, habitually looked in first instance abroad rather than to themselves and have in consequence compromised, divided, and ultimately permitted nullification of their moral and material strength.
Dept has special interest in welfare and safety Leg’s local employees. Should cases arise involving certain jeopardy to such individuals, you are authorized take such measures as may, in your judgment, be appropriate, including assistance to them in leaving Hun. Dept exploring possibility authorizing issuance priority US visas if necessary.
and 7. Concur. See Deptels 747 July 17 (sent Sofia 264)4 and 990 Sept 17.5
Re concluding paragraphs urdes, Dept believes that US can and should pursue active role in Hun but that precise elaboration this role will be contingent not only on further course events in Hun but on broader European developments. It must be recognized therefore that Hun itself is unlikely to become focal point of US policy except within localized frame reference and that issues which are taking shape in US-Soviet relations are unlikely assume most acute form in connection Hun developments, although latter may be important sector of larger progression of events. It is anticipated that Budapest will continue to be, as it has been, an active reporting post and that, despite recent political trends, Hun may offer relatively greater opportunities for maintaining and extending contact with Western democracies than will be case with other countries behind Iron Curtain.

In view foregoing, Dept feels that Leg’s personnel needs may not undergo much modification, though if experience of next few months indicates differently Dept would appreciate your further recommendations this regard. As regards building program, Dept considers that, whatever immediate outlook may be in Hun, project is justified from long-range point of view, and, in terms such perspective, Dept has in no sense written Hun off slate.

Rptd London, Paris, Moscow, Vienna, Bucharest, Belgrade, Sofia.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed; it transmitted the substance of section headed “Discussion” of the memorandum of July 1 from Matthews to the Secretary of State, p. 329.
  3. Not printed; it instructed the Legation to be guided by the appropriate provisions of the Foreign Service Regulations in matters of asylum (864.00/6–947). These provisions read as follows:

    “As a rule, a diplomatic representative or consular officer shall not extend asylum to persons outside of his official or personal household. Refuge may be afforded to uninvited fugitives whose lives are in imminent danger from mob violence but only for the period during which such active danger continues. Refuge must be refused to persons fleeing from the pursuit of the legitimate agents of the local government. In case such persons have been admitted to the diplomatic or consular premises, they must be either surrendered or dismissed from the mission or consular office.”

  4. Same as telegram 264, July 17, to Sofia, p. 18.
  5. Ante, p. 29.