
The Acting Director of the Office of European Affairs (Hickerson) to the Secretary of State


Subject: US action with reference to current political developments in Hungary.


As you will have noted from recent telegrams concerning political developments in Hungary, Hungarian Communist and other leftist elements, with the open support of the Soviet occupation authorities, have forced the resignation of Prime Minister Nagy and other important Government officials belonging to the majority Smallholders Party. This action was instigated by the Soviet authorities on the basis of an alleged deposition by Béla Kovács, former Secretary-General of the Smallholders Party who has been held incommunicado by the Soviets for over three months, implicating Nagy and others in the so-called “conspiracy against the Republic”. It is probable that the Soviets will produce a “confession” signed by Kovács to support charges which they and the Hungarian Communists may bring against Nagy and other Smallholders. In this connection, it may be pointed out that we have had previous experience with such “confessions”.

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It is our feeling that this ruthless Soviet intervention in Hungary’s internal affairs constitutes a clear-cut act of political aggression. It has opened the way for a bald attempt by the Communist minority to establish complete domination over political and economic affairs in Hungary and thereby nullify the will of the Hungarian people as expressed in free national elections. We believe that this Government should not permit these flagrant actions to pass unchallenged and that immediate counter-action should be initiated by the Department (1) in the first instance through the ACC in Budapest, and, failing effective measures there, (2) through the Security Council of the UN.

A draft telegram to AmEmbassies London and Moscow requesting their and British comment, containing the text of a proposed note to the Acting Chairman of the ACC, is attached for your approval.1


That unless London and Moscow have material objection and subject to British views in the matter, the US Representative, ACC, be instructed to deliver the note proposed in the attached telegram which requests the Soviet Chairman of the ACC to agree to an investigation of the Hungarian situation to be carried out by a body composed of representatives of the three powers represented on the ACC Hungary;
That, if the Soviets will not cooperate in the formation and functioning of such a body, the matter be submitted to the Security Council of the UN for appropriate action;
In the event that the latter action becomes necessary, as we believe it will, it be carried through with the utmost persistence by this Government, notwithstanding Soviet vetoes, until it may be possible to raise the matter in the General Assembly and press for action by that body, possibly on the basis of a general indictment of Soviet political actions in the entire Eastern Europe area.

  1. The draft telegram which was attached to the source text was subsequently sent as telegram 2392 to London, 1261 to Moscow, 596 to Budapest, June 4, infra.