740.00119 EW/1–1047: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom


206. As indicated in Sofia’s 23 Jan 10 (which is being rptd to Budapest and Bucharest) and Budapest’s 31 Jan 9,1 FonOff apparently [Page 3] envisages implementation of Articles 33 and 34 of draft Bulg peace treaty and corresponding Articles of Hun and Rum treaties through medium of tripartite commissions to be established in Sofia, Budapest and Bucharest. Although many of unfavorable circumstances adversely affecting US and UK roles in ACCs will be absent during post-treaty period, Dept inclined agree with Barnes’ view that experiences of US and UK ACC reps with Soviet penchant and aptitude for utilizing formalized procedural arrangements as means of stultifying genuine tripartite discussion and action should serve as warning against comparable procedural arrangements in future.

Five general principles set forth in Sofia’s telegram might be acceptable as basis compromise US–Brit position if latter feel strongly in matter but Dept does not for time being think it advisable make them subject proposal to Brit.

Pls discuss informally with FonOff endeavoring elucidate thinking underlying Brit attitude.

Sent London 206; rptd Moscow 62; Sofia 13; Budapest 37; and Bucharest 19.

  1. Not printed; it reported that the British Political Representatives in Budapest, Bucharest, and Sofia were returning to London for consultation relative to the implementation of the peace treaties with Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria (740.00119 EW/1–947).