740.0011 EW(Peace)/9–1747: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Hungary
990. Following is guidance for exercise duties devolving on Heads of Mission in peace treaty.
- 1.
- In general you should take firm positive attitude towards these responsibilities. It is assumed ex-satellite Govts will attempt to avoid their obligations to western countries and will be aided and abetted in this by Soviets. Since Sovs will control key governmental ministries we anticipate serious difficulties in dealing satisfactorily with Govt directly. On other hand experience gained in previous dealings with Sovs on tricornered basis has demonstrated procedural pitfalls and frustration which would result in setting up formal tripartite council. You should therefore in initial stages avoid seeking concert in your approach to Govt on treaty matters, particularly in regard to obtaining info. You should interpret third para of first article of Part VIII to give you firm right to receive all info necessary to fulfill your duties under treaty through ordinary dipl channels.
- 2.
- Question of freedom of movement should not be raised with Govt or Sovs as US Reps should assume right to travel freely within country, except in Sov troop areas during 90-day evacuation period. Travel in latter areas should be avoided since we do not wish to establish precedent of having to ask for travel permits. When restrictive action by Sovs or Govt forces issue, report to Dept for instructions.
- 3.
- Part II of treaty. You will be instructed separately what action US will take re specified implementation political clauses, particularly violation of human rights article.1
- 4.
- Part III and IV. Instructions on military clauses being transmitted separately by cable and airmail.2
- 5.
- Part V, VI and VII. Tentative implementation guidance for economic clauses being airmailed. Pending receipt final guidance,3 Mission should advance treaty work by collection of all relevant data on US claims and violations property restoration and general economic relations articles.
- 6.
- When info at your disposal indicates a treaty violation report to Dept for instructions.
Sent Budapest, rptd Sofia, Bucharest, Moscow; and London for FonOff.4
- For documentation on the action of the United States in protesting to the Rumanian Government the violation of political and civil liberties in Rumania, see pp. 471–513 passim.↩
- Telegram 1037, October 2, to Budapest,
repeated to Sofia as 410, to Bucharest as 601, to Moscow as
1803, and to London as 4255, not printed, stated that the
State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee and the Joint Chiefs
of Staff had approved the instructions relative to the
military clauses of the peace treaties, as well as the
general background documents on the treaty negotiations
which were being sent to the various posts by airmail. The
telegram added the following instructions:
“As indicated therein, in order to establish basis gauge compliance treaty, Govt should now be requested to inform you (a) present strengths, location and composition of country’s armed forces and (b) plans for implementing treaty articles which should include proposed Table of Organization and Equipment.” (740.0011 EW (Peace)/9–1747)
- Draft instructions for reporting on and ensuring the execution of the economic clauses of the Peace Treaties with Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria, as prepared by the Balkan Committee of the Department of State, were transmitted to the Legation in Budapest and the Missions in Bucharest and Sofia by air mail during September. After these draft statements had been commented upon by the posts, they were revised, placed in final form and sent as instructions 55 to Budapest, 18 to Bucharest, and 385 to Sofia, all December 10, none printed. These instructions, each of which included more than 30 typewritten pages, are included in file 740.0011 EW (Peace)/11–447).↩
- This telegram was repeated to Sofia as 381, to Bucharest as 573, to Moscow as 1744, and to London as 4031.↩