- Abreu, Ovidio de, 491n, 510–511, 513
- Accame, Gen. Nicolas C., 144n
- Acheson, Dean, 90–91, 190, 260, 280–282, 307, 371, 444–445, 773, 798n, 885–886, 1022, 1317–1319; corresepondence addressed to: Julían R. Cáceres, 963–964; De Alba, 37; James Forrestal, 97–100; Jorge García Granados, 888; Carlos Martins, 508–509; George S. Messer-smith, 309–310, 974; Robert P. Patterson, 715–716, 1346–1348; Kenneth C. Royall, 86–87; President Truman, 83–84; Octavio A. Vallarino, 1146
- Acosta, César R., 1203
- Acosta García, Julio, 12n, 693, 697–698
- Act of Chapultepec (1945), 1n, 7, 38, 213, 275, 543, 668, 849
- Adam, Hector C., Jr., 15, 340–356 passim, 380–381, 389–390, 404–419 passim
- Adams, Lt. Col. James Y., 966–968
- Adams, Milton J., 178–181
- Adrogué, Carlos A., 182
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Aguado, Enoc, 1069–1070, 1073, 1075
- Aguiar, Juan José, 1277
- Aguilar Cortés, Gerónimo, 1074
- Aguilera, Gen. Andrés, 1181
- Ailshie, William K., 42–43, 48–49, 53
- Airport Development Program, 101–106, 431, 454, 456–457, 715n, 1077n
- Albarino, Gen. Ramón A., 191
- Alcoba, Aurelio, 362, 372
- Alemán, Miguel, 970n, 972, 977n, 978, 1006
- Alexander, Raymond Pace, 949–954
- Alfaro, Ricardo J., 12n, 203n, 1096n, 1103–1107, 1109–1111, 1118, 1133, 1135, 1137, 1158
- Aliaga Cobo, Claudio, 575–577, 580–581, 588
- Allen, Joseph F., 1058
- Altimirano Browne, Adolfo, 1069–1070
- Alvarado, Julio, 422n
- Alvarado, Luis, 48
- Alvarez, Alberto Inocente, 15, 735, 757n
- Alvarez de la Cruz, José Manuel, 777
- Alvesteguí, David, 424n
- Alzamora, Rear Adm. José R., 1209n
- American Airlines, 992
- American Federation of Labor, 1163—1164
- Amezaga, Juan José, 1273
- Anderson, Clinton P., 139, 774, 793n, 796–800, 1022, 1051, 1291
- Anderson, Paul J., 526–527, 535, 548
- Andrade, Victor, 352, 374–376, 392
- Angel Soler, Miguel, 1188n, 1198
- Anglo-American Caribbean Commission, 1149
- Aramayo, Carlos Victor, 342
- Aranda G., Col. Bernardo, 1178, 1180
- Aranha, Oswaldo, 6, 432, 556
- Aranibar, Ernesto, 342–343, 346–347, 350, 356
- Arce, Roberto, 391
- Arévalo, Juan José, 890n
- Arévalo, Juan, 732
- Argentina, 182–339
- Air transport agreement, negotiations between Argentina and United States concerning, 339
- Armament sale to Argentina, and question of military
cooperation (see also Inter-American
obligations, infra):
- Belgian TNT, purchase of, 248
- British-U.S. cooperation regarding, 206–208, 255, 278–279, 280–282, 290–291, 307–309, 322, 332
- Canada, Argentine efforts to purchase arms from, 284–285
- Naval supplies, 234, 238, 246, 284–285, 324, 332–333, 338–339
- Swedish position refusing export of arms to Argentina, 186–187, 255, 294–295, 310–311
- U.S. policy, 87, 96, 98, 186–187, 231–232, 238, 254–255, 270–278, 282, 294–295
- Visit of Gen. von der Becke to the United States, 248–249, 250–252, 253–254, 259–261, 262–263, 268, 286–287
- Axis influence, U.S. interest in elimination of:
- Axis agents, 185–186, 192–193, 200–201, 241–244, 247, 257, 293–294, 306, 314–316, 327–329, 335–338
- Blue Book, U.S. publication of: Advisability of, 190, 192–193, 201–202, 203–204, 206; reaction of Argentine Government, press, and public, 209–210, 212, 213–215, 216, 217–219, 225, 240–241; release to other American Republics and the press, 201, 204–205; U.S. position following release, 209, 216; views of other Republics, 205–206, 208–209, 216, 219–221, 222, 224, 226–228
- Business interests, elimination or control of, 182–184, 187–188, 189–190, 211, 249–250, 253, 259, 280, 282–284, 289–290, 293, 306, 312–314, 329–332
- Freude case, 193, 201, 241, 247, 305, 327–328, 333, 337
- German Foreign Office telegrams (see also Blue Book, supra), 183–184, 187–188, 189–190
- Proclaimed List firms: Questions regarding, 249–250, 253; U.S. policy on trading with firms formerly listed, 303–304, 319–321
- Schools, German and Japanese, 242, 257, 282–284, 316
- U.S. Embassy summary of Argentine efforts to control Axis influences, 241–244, 247
- Blue Book. See under Axis influence, supra.
- Bolivia: Recognition of the Junta Government in, 368–369; wheat-rubber negotiations, 417–425 passim
- Brazil, relations with (see also Wheat-rubber problem under Brazil), 212–213, 223–224, 261–262
- Canada, trade relations with, 195, 284–285
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Elections:
- Conduct of, press and Embassy reports, 221–222, 233–234
- Estimates of political situation prior to, 190–191, 194–195, 196, 197–198, 201–202
- Perón’s charges of U.S. Embassy intervention, and U.S. representations regarding, 194–195, 196, 197, 198–200, 302–303
- Returns, and discussions of U.S. policy after Perón victory, 210, 212–213, 228–234, 234–239, 245
- Inter-American and international obligations,
question of fulfillment of:
- Argentine position, 188–189; ratification of U.N. Charter and Act of Chapultepec, 323
- Discussions between Ambassador Messersmith and Argentine officials, 263–267, 285–290, 292–294, 323–324
- U.S. positions and views: Ambassador Messersmith, 257, 297–302, 321–322, 323–324, 325–327; President Truman, 282; State Department, 191–192, 194, 268–269, 270–278, 281, 297, 305–306, 309–310, 311–319, 323
- Views of other American Republics, 194, 196–197, 202–203, 212–213; Argentine requests for “mediation”, 191–192, 194
- Labor problems of, considered at International Labor Conference, 40–42, 45–46
- Military cooperation. See Armament, etc., supra.
- Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology, 71, 74
- Perón. See Perón, Col. Juan.
- Peru, economic relations with, 1268–1269
- Proclaimed List. See under Axis influence, supra.
- Rubber (see also Wheat-rubber problem under Brazil):
- Soviet Union, trade relations with, 279–280, 281–282, 321–322
- U.S. relations with and policy regarding (see
Armament sale, Axis
influence, Elections, and
Inter-American and international
obligations, supra):
- Attacks by Perón on former Ambassador Braden, 209, 210–211, 213–214, 216
- Mediation by other American Republics, question of, 191–192, 194, 203
- U.S. policy regarding relations with Argentina, 9–20, 246–247, 270–278, 282, 305–306, 309–310, 323; Ambassador Messersmith’s interpretation of and views on, 255–259, 263–267, 297–303, 321–322, 333–335
- Views of other American Republics, 9–20, 196–197, 202–203, 212–213, 261–263
- Uruguay: Argentine reactions to proposal on human rights, 188–189, 245; sale of wheat to Uruguay, 1290–1297 passim
- Wheat, sale of. See under Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay.
- Argüello, Felipe, 1069
- Argüello, Leonardo, 1075–1077
- Argüello Vargas, Mariano, 1081
- Arias, Arnulfo, 60, 1110
- Arias, Harmodio, 1111–1112
- Arizaga Toral, Enrique, 856, 879n
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect
to provision of (see also under individual
countries), 86–110
[Page 1367]
- Aircraft, allocations of, 86–89, 92, 98–99; Airport Development Program, 101–106; Arms program, 90–91, 93–96; Export-Import Bank, use of funds of for purchase of surplus property, 93; Inter-American Military Cooperation Bill, 108–110; Military missions, 108; Naval vessels and aircraft, allocations of, 97–98, 99–101, 106–107
- Armour, Norman, 846
- Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 87–88, 99, 560, 648, 653–655, 657, 837, 1206, 1207, 1306
- Atlantic Charter (1942), 540
- Atlantic Oil Company, 523, 550n
- Atterberry, Phil R., 615–616, 1094
- Avila, Augustín, 1178, 1198n
- Avila Camacho, Manuel, 972, 995, 1001n, 1009n, 1019n, 1025–1028, 1054n
- Axis influence (see also under individual countries), resolution of the Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense concerning, 81–82, 85, 1282
- Ayala, Gen. Juan B., 1178
- Ayala, Rafael, 777
- Baker, Geoffrey, 516
- Baldwin, Charles F., 579
- Ballentine, D., 405
- Ballivian, Felix, 342
- Ballivian, René, 395–396
- Barber, Willard F., 946
- Barbosa da Silva, Edmundo Penna, 469
- Barger, Herman H., 405–408, 414–415
- Barnes, Stuart K., 773
- Barnet, John W., 377–379, 387–388
- Barón, José T., 93n, 95–96
- Barreto, João Carlos, 555–556
- Bases, strategic. See under Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.
- Bastianello, Raymond, 1059
- Batt, William L., 139
- Beard, Ray, 381
- Beardall, Rear Adm. John R., 1154
- Beaulac, Willard L., 17–18, 1175–1205
- Becke, Gen. Carlos von der, 248–252, 259–261, 287
- Becker, Juan Sigfrido, 193, 1276
- Behn, Col. Sosthenes, 1000
- Belmonte Pabón, Maj. Elíos, 341, 346
- Belt, Guillermo, 32n, 736–737, 767–768, 772, 793n
- Beltrán, Pedro, 1207n, 1252–1255
- Benítez Vera, Col. Victoriano, 1178–1180, 1182
- Bergemann, Pablo E., 1194
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 212–213, 223–224, 428–434, 486, 523–529, 532–539, 575, 577, 949–954
- Bernal Cadena, Dr., 662
- Bertollo, Col. Arturo, 248
- Bertrand, Col. Francisco, 966–968
- Betancourt, Rómulo, 1298, 1302–1303, 1307, 1316–1317, 1331, 1334, 1336–1337, 1353–1354, 1359
- Beteta, Ramón, 987n, 1003n, 1006
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation 338–339
- Bevin, Ernest K., 322, 563
- Bielich, Ismael, 1217n, 1234
- Bilbao Vieja, Roberto, 397n
- Blocker, William P., 1109–1114, 1161
- Boal, Pierre de Lagarde, 81–82, 138
- Bohan, Merwin L., 1046, 1048
- Bolivia, 340–425
- American citizens, protection of. See Mining industry, infra.
- Argentina: Efforts to purchase wheat from, 417–425 passim; views on U.S. policy statement on Argentina, 15
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 87, 89
- Axis business influences, U.S. interest in elimination of, 404–417
- Cochabamba–Santa Cruz highway, additional financing and completion of, discussions regarding, 390–391, 393–394, 400–401
- Elections. See Revolution, infra.
- Food crisis, 417–425
- Mining industry: American citizens in, U.S. representations regarding threats against, and Bolivian replies, 379–381, 397, 398; Bolivian expropriation decree, proposed, and U.S. views on, 401–402
- Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology, 71
- Petroleum industry, Bolivian efforts to obtain Export-Import Bank financing for development of, and U.S. views on, 395–396, 398, 399–400
- Political situation. See Revolution, infra.
- Proclaimed List. See Axis business influences, supra.
- Recognition. See Revolution: Junta government.
- Revolution overthrowing Villarroel Government, 340–373
- Accounts of revolt, and events preceding:
- Diplomatic Corps:
- Collective protests regarding Bolivian Government repressions, proposals for and discussions of, 342–343, 345, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353–354, 357–358; Bolivian views and protests regarding U.S. position in 352, 352–353
- Protection of former Villarroel Government officials, and question of asylum, discussions regarding, 360, 367–368, 369–370; Bolivian views on asylum question, 370–371, 373
- U.S. Embassy: Efforts on behalf of arrested individuals, and Bolivian views on, 343, 344, 346–347, 350–351, 354–355, 356; violation of, U.S. representations regarding, and Bolivian Government replies to, 343–344, 347–348, 354, 355
- Junta government:
- Rubber, U.S. purchase of, discussions regarding, 374–375, 396–397, 402–404
- Tin contract negotiations, 377–395 passim
- Wheat crisis, U.S. aid provided in, and attempts to secure Argentine wheat, 417–425
- Bosch Pearson, Col. Rodolfo, 824
- Bouças, Valentim, 504
- Bove Trabal, Juan Alberto, 1276
- Bowers, Claude G., 14–15, 219–220, 365–366, 559–635 passim
- Bowles, Chester, 155–159, 505
- Boyd, Jorge E., 49
- Bradbury, Robert W., 994n
- Braddock, Daniel M., 2, 113–114, 120–122, 124–127, 142–143, 150, 456n, 460, 485, 489–490, 492–494, 496, 501–503, 512–513, 515–517
- Braden, Spruille:
- Actions and views regarding:
- Inter-American Conference, 7, 20–21
- Inter-American Military Cooperation bill, 108–110
- Ninth Conference of American States, 28, 30, 38–39
- Proclaimed List, 80
- U.S. relations with Argentina, 2–3, 22–23, 227–228, 253–254, 258–259, 260, 270–278, 337; Bolivia, 345–346, 352–353, 377–379, 381–383, 392, 399, 400, 435; Brazil, 451, 454, 512, 541–542; Chile, 598–599, 606–609, 612n, 613n, 614–615, 618–619, 625–627, 638–639; Colombia, 657, 671; Costa Rica, 689; Cuba, 703, 766, 770, 771, 774–775; Dominican Republic, 827; Ecuador, 843–848, 876–877; Guatemala, 886, 890–891; Haiti, 918–919, 924, 939, 940–941; Honduras, 964; Mexico, 977, 986, 987, 993, 1029, 1033; Nicaragua, 1075; Panama, 1135–1137, 1149–1151, 1153–1156, 1169–1171; Paraguay, 1193, 1203; Peru, 1206, 1219, 1248n, 1260; Uruguay, 1275, 1291; Venezuela, 1306–1308, 1311
- Wheat-rubber problem, 150
- Correspondence addressed to: Claude G. Bowers, 633–634; George H. Butler, 815; William L. Clayton, 638–639; Frank Corrigan, 1304–1305; Mr. DeAlba, 35; Adolfo Diaz and Gen. Emiliano Chamorro, 1072–1073; Ambassador Espinosa de los Monteros, 985; Hallett Johnson, 696–697; George S. Messersmith, 232–233, 297; Robert P. Patterson, 1101–1102; Kenneth C. Royall, 88; Mr. Simpson, 891–892; Walter Thurston, 1005–1008
- Perón’s attack on, 210–211, 213–214, 225
- Actions and views regarding:
- Braden Copper Company, 605–616 passim
- Bradshaw, Brig. Gen. Aaron, Jr., 458–459
- Bragonier, Reginald, 1277
- Bramuglia, Juan Atilio, 289n, 368n, 423n
- Braniff, Thomas E., 994
- Braniff Airlines, 470, 672, 743, 994n
- Brazil, 426–558
- Agreement with the United States (see also Strategic Air Base Agreement under Bases, infra), 444n
- Argentina, views on, and relations with, 223–224, 461; views regarding U.S. policy toward Argentina, 8–9, 16–17, 212–213
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, and Brazilian requests for (see also Lend-Lease, infra), 87, 89, 92, 101, 434–435, 442–443, 460
- Aviation, 465–485
- Air transportation, U.S. technical assistance to, and discussions of draft agreement on, 466, 467–469, 472–473, 476–477, 484–485
- Bilateral aviation agreement, U.S.-Brazilian negotiations for, 465, 469–472, 473–476, 477–482
- Brazilian-Dutch negotiations for bilateral aviation agreement, U.S. interest in, 483
- Axis properties, disposal of and withdrawal of Proclaimed List, 462–465
- Bases, return of, and arrangements for post-war use
of, 426–461
- Air bases, question of use by civilian aircraft, 453, 456–457
- Brazilian attitude toward U.S. armed forces, 428–429; Communist party on, 441–442
- Recife radio station, U.S. proposals regarding use of, 446–447, 449–450, 452–453, 455–456
- Return of installations to Brazil, U.S. discussions and arrangements for, 426–428, 433–434, 435–437, 443–444, 450–451, 453–454, 457–459
- Strategic Air Base Agreement of 1944: Activation and publication of, 437–441, 442; Brazilian desire to amend, 459–460
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Bolivia, recognition of Junta Government in, 367, 372n
- Coffee: Inter-American Coffee Board agreement, extension of, 165–166, 504–523
- Debts and loans, 485–504
- Lend-Lease: Status of account, 452; termination of program, disposal of supplies, 444–445, 447–449
- Loans. See Debts and loans, supra.
- Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology, 71, 74
- Paraguay, relations with, 1204
- Petroleum industry, 523–558
- Proclaimed List, withdrawal of, 462–465
- Rubber. See Wheat-rubber problem, infra.
- Surplus equipment: Arrangements and procedures for disposal of, 445–446, 451–452; question of jurisdiction, 429–433
- Wheat-rubber problem of Argentina, Brazil and United
States (see also
Argentina), 111—153
- Argentine-Brazilian bilateral negotiations regarding, 129, 137, 138–141, 142–143, 144–145, 146
- Brazilian efforts to trade rubber for Argentine wheat, 120–124, 125–126, 128, 132
- Tripartite Agreement, discussions regarding cancellation of, 135, 147–149, 149–150
- Tripartite discussions on wheat-rubber allocations, 134–135
- Wheat shortage in Brazil, and allocation of Argentine wheat to alleviate: Brazilian views and requirements, 113–118, 135–136, 150–152, 442; Hoover mission, 136–137; U.S. views and position on, 111–113, 124–125, 126–127, 132–134, 137–138, 151–152, 153
- Brett, Lt. Gen. George H., 224n
- Briggs, Ellis O., 3–4, 92, 95n, 195, 571–572, 610–612, 666, 709, 715, 767–768, 875–878, 966–967, 1089, 1169–1171, 1233, 1249
- Brito, Octavio do Nascimento, 372
- Brooks, C. C., 548–550
- Browder, Earl, 721
- Brown, Lt. Col. Nathan A., 965n
- Brown, Walter, 295n
- Brownell, Gen. George A., 481
- Brundage, B. C., 579, 603–604, 625–627, 629–630
- Brush, Graham M., 755
- Buenrosto, Efrain, 1002
- Buie, Col. Wilson R., 1020, 1023–1025
- Buitrago Carrillo, Mariano, 424n
- Buitrago Diaz, Salvador, 1074
- Bullitt, William, 650
- Burns, Norman, 629
- Bustamante y Rivero, José Luis, 1210–1211, 1237–1238, 1245–1246, 1251, 1256n, 1264
- Butler, George H., 209–210, 805–815, 830–834
- Byrnes, James F., 10, 886, 979, 1051n, 1105, 1135n; correspondence addressed to: Victor Andrade, 418; Col. Sosthenes Behn, 1000; Guillermo Belt, 704–705; Chester Bowles, 161–164; James Forrestal, 97, 435–436, 563, 703–704; Alberto Guani, 85; Gen. Kenner F. Hertford, 92; Carlos Martins, 132–134; Robert P. Patterson, 706–707, 840–843
- Cabot, John M., 119, 123, 129, 182–191, 196–203, 209–245 passim
- Cabrera, Luis, 1001n
- Cabrera García, Cleto, 362
- Cáceres, Julián R., 228, 959–967 passim
- Cady, John C., 947, 949–954
- Caffery, Jefferson, 432
- Calderón, Maj. Luis, 1314
- Calderón Guardia, Rafael Angel, 693, 696
- Caldwell, Brig. Gen. C. H., 249
- Cale, Edward G., 155–159, 164–167, 486, 516
- Calejas Reyes, Roberto, 1080
- Calero, Maj. Jorge, 352
- Campen, Thomas S., 1231
- Campos, Roberto, 113, 492–494
- Campos Ortiz, Pablo, 1058
- Canada, 3–4, 65, 71, 195, 284–285
- Cantero, Lt. Col. Dario, 1179
- Carbajal Victorica, Juan José, 1278n, 1280
- Carbo Puig, José, 873, 881n
- Cárdenas, Raúl de, 735
- Carías Andino, Gen. Tiburcio, 955–957, 965, 967–968
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Carrasco, Brig. Gen. Arnaldo, 561n
- Carrasco, Mario, 351
- Carrigan, John Willard, 48, 975–977, 1006
- Casanova, José M., 791–792, 800
- Castillo, Maj. Fernando M., 819
- Castillo Nájera, Francisco, 978–980, 989–990, 1009n, 1019n, 1039n, 1051n
- Castro, Héctor David, 32n
- Chacón, Roberto, 777
- Chalband Cardona, Esteban, 340n
- Chalmers, Philip O., 2n, 428–429, 532–533
- Chamorro, Gen. Emiliano, 1073, 1075
- Chapultepec Conference. See Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace.
- Chardón, Raul S., 828
- Charles, Joseph D., 940–941, 944–949
- Chase, E. E., 873–875, 880
- Chaves, Dennis, 40, 43–46, 48, 50
- Chaves, Federico, 1183, 1185–1187
- Chayet, Maurice, 923n
- Chegodaeva, Nora P., 723
- Chibas, Eduardo R., 225
- Chicago Aviation Conference (1944), 469n, 670, 992, 1285n
- Chile, 559–647
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 14–15, 219–220
- Armaments, U.S. policy of supplying, 559–575
- Aircraft: Allocation of, interim, 89, 92, 101, 560, 562, 564–565, 567–568, 571–572; British interest in sale of, and U.S. concern regarding, 562–564, 565–566, 569; Ground equipment allocation, 573
- Military missions to, 559, 561–562, 570
- Naval vessels allocation, 569–570, 573–575
- Surplus construction equipment, Chilean interest in, 568–569
- Axis business interest, U.S. efforts to secure cooperation in elimination of, 575–591
- Bolivia, recognition of Junta Government in, 365–366
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Chemical surplus plants, exchange of U.S.-Chilean views on disposal of, 621–623, 627–629, 635–638, 639–645, 647
- Copper industry strike, discussions regarding settlement of, and its effect on credit negotiations, 604–615, 616–617
- Credits for development, U.S. policy toward advancing of (see also Copper industry, supra; and Petroleum industry, infra), 595–599, 600–604, 615–616, 618–620
- Debt, external, U.S. interest in settlement of, 591–595, 600–602
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace and Security in the Hemisphere, vote on postponement of, 7
- Lend-Lease, status of account, 572–573
- Nitrates, Chilean views on price ceiling for, 629–630
- Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology, 71
- Petroleum industry, financing and development of, 620–647; Chilean views on, 620–621; efforts to obtain Export-Import Bank loan for, 625–627, 632, 638–639, 645–646; Standard Oil of New Jersey, 623–624, 630–631, 633–635
- Proclaimed List, 575–591 passim
- Chiriani, Juan Horacio, 1175
- Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, 992
- Civil Aeronautics Administration, 466, 476, 666–667, 667n
- Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 470–471, 478–479, 668, 670–672, 737n, 742, 992–993, 996
- Clark, DuWayne G., 528
- Clark, Tom C., 1028n
- Clattenburg, Albert E., Jr., 1147–1148
- Clayton, William L., 35–37, 66–71, 134, 147–149, 386–387, 418, 456–457, 466, 482, 485n, 498, 636, 687, 876–877, 1001–1002, 1058, 1067
- Cleland, Brig. Gen. Joseph P., 561n, 572n
- Clinton, Comdr. Daniel J., 848n
- Cobian Parra, Maj. Salvador, 823
- Cochran, William P., 43–45, 93–96, 168–172, 175–177, 886, 898, 960–963, 1089
- Coelho, Comdr. Heitor Baptista, 449
- Coffee. See Inter-American Coffee Board; and under Brazil.
- Colina, Brig. Gen. Bartolomé de la, 186n
- Collet, John C., 505
- Collins, V. Lansing, Jr., 1095, 1113, 1130–1132, 1160, 1163–1165
- Colombia, 648–681
- Air transport agreement and operating problems, discussions between Colombia and United States concerning, 105, 666–672
- Argentina, relations with, 202–203; views on U.S. policy toward, 13, 221
- Armaments and military supplies, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 89, 92, 648–661
- Axis influence, U.S. interest in elimination of, 661–665
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Coffee price ceiling, Colombian attitude on, 154–159
- Communications problems, U.S. interest in, 672–674
- Credits and loans to, discussions regarding, 674–675
- Petroleum and other natural resources, U.S. interest in development of, 675–681
- Combined Food Board, 111–113, 133–134, 1053
- Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1159, 1165
- Connally, Tom, 1282
- Connell, R. M., 661, 675
- Connolly, Gen. Donald H., 106n
- Cooke, Juan, 187, 200, 214–215, 218
- Cooke, Morris L., 1009
- Cooper, Prentice, 1219–1269 passim
- Corliss, James C., 486, 615
- Correa, Javier, 1265
- Correa e Castro, Pedro, 503n
- Corrigan, Frank P., 19–20, 1298–1362 passim
- Corson, H. G., 396
- Costa Rica, 682–701
- Airport facilities in, 688
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 12–13
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to, 93–96, 683–685, 689–690
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Cooperation with United States, 690–701
- Defense, hemispheric. See Armaments, supra; and Financial assistance, infra.
- Elections in, 690–691, 696–697
- Financial assistance to, 682–683, 686–687
- Inter-American Highway in, 169–170
- International relations, Costa Rican policy regarding, 692–694, 697–698
- Legislation affecting jurisdiction of Costa Rican courts over U.S. agencies, 694–696, 698–701
- Lend-Lease account, status of, 689
- Costellanos, Daniel, 1280
- Cottrell, Benjamin, 391
- Court, Julio, 828
- Craig, Glenn H., 1291
- Creole Petroleum Company of Venezuela, 1335, 1344–1345, 1348–1349, 1354—1355
- Crittenberger, Lt. Gen. Willis D., 840, 1096n, 1137, 1150, 1219n
- Cross, Cecil Merne Putnam, 135
- Cruz Coke, Eduardo, 635
- Cuba, 702–804
- Agreements with the United States, 706n, 742n, 762n, 763n, 775n
- Argentina, relations with, 196–197; views on U.S. policy toward, 15–16
- Armaments, Cuban requests for and U.S. policy regarding, 89, 92–98, 711–712
- Aviation, civil. See under Transportation, infra.
- Bases, discussions regarding return to Cuba, and postwar use by United States, 702–707, 708–711, 715–716
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Communications policies. See North American Regional Broadcasting Conference, infra.
- Communist Party in, and its relations with the Soviet Union, 719–736
- Financial aid to, and financial obligations of, U.S. policies concerning, 762–772
- Guantánamo Naval Base, water supply negotiations, 707–708, 712–715, 717–718
- Hemisphere defense, relation of Cuban problems to, 702–719
- Lend-Lease account, status of, 765–766
- Nicaro nickel plant, termination of operations of, 718–719
- North American Regional Broadcasting Conference, 737–739
- Postwar-reconversion policies, 736–762
- Soviet Union, relations with, 719–736
- Sugar crops, 1946 and 1947, discussions and negotiations leading to agreement regarding U.S. purchase of, 772–804
- Trade and commercial relations: Commercial convention of 1902, U.S. desire to terminate, 743–745; Preliminary Trade Conference, Cuban participation in, 756–757; Survey of, 746–749; Trade agreement of 1934, discussions of Cuban violations of, 739–740, [Page 1372] 757–762; Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, U.S. efforts to negotiate, 741
- Transportation: Cuban attitude on civil aviation and U.S. views, 736–737, 742–743, 749–753, 755–756; Seatrain Lines, 754–755
- Cunha Machado, Brig., 470, 473–476, 483
- Cunningham, Frederick J., 1195n
- Currie, Brainerd, 155–159
- Cyr, Leo G., 666
- Daniels, Paul C., 8–9, 16–17, 66n, 71–75, 123–137 passim, 152, 426–554 passim
- D’Arbelles, Capt. Salvadore, 1080
- D’Ascoli, Carlos, 1332–1333, 1349, 1351
- Davies, Ralph K., 1353
- Davis, Bainbridge C., 648–652, 656, 1306–1308, 1317–1319
- Dawson, Allan, 220, 1299, 1307–1310, 1312–1313, 1320–1325, 1327–1337, 1348–1352, 1355–1356, 1357n
- Dawson, William, 1270n, 1271–1294 passim
- Dearborn, Henry, 836–840, 843–848, 852–853, 858–859, 873–878
- DeCamp, Robert J., 1036, 1039
- Declaration of Havana (1940), 271, 275
- Defense sites. See Bases, under Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.
- Delfino Malvicini, Anselmo, 41, 331–332
- Dehlsen, J., 405
- Delgado Chalbaud, Lt. Col. Carlos, 1298, 1307–1309
- Denby, Alfred E., 895n, 898, 900
- Desmaras, Carlos R., 41
- Dillingham, S. D., 1203
- Dominican Republic, 805–835
- Airfields in, 105
- Argentina, views regarding U.S. policy on, 216
- Armaments, Dominican efforts to purchase from various sources, and U.S. position on (see also Military aid, infra), 820–825
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Claims, discussions regarding U.S.-Dominican treaty obligations with respect to, 834–835
- Communist Party in, and U.S. attitude regarding, 813–814, 827–834
- Lend-Lease account, status of, 826–827
- Military aid, Dominican requests for, and U.S. policy on, 87, 89, 96–98, 816–827
- Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology, 71
- Trade relations, discussions regarding U.S.-Dominican treaty obligations with respect to, 835
- U.S. policy toward, delineation of for guidance in conduct of general relations with, 805–815
- Donnelly, Walter J., 1149, 1151, 1215–1219, 1228
- Donovan, Andrew E., II, 178, 892–895, 899
- Dreher Haussmann, Luis, 1276
- Dreier, John C., 90–91, 106–107, 568–569, 656n, 659–661, 855, 965
- Duarte Bordón, Máximo, 1194
- DuBois, Jules, 1111–1112
- Dufour, Maurice, 718–719
- Duggan, Laurence, 1006, 1008
- Duncan, Brig. Gen. Early E. W., 568
- Duncan, Rear Adm. Jack H., 1208n, 1232n
- Dunn, James Clement, 836
- Dunn, William E., 580n, 582–584, 620
- Durán, Gustavo, 225
- Durana Camacho, Gabriel, 674–675
- Dutra, Gen. Eurico Gaspar, 26–27, 367, 451–453, 465, 544–545, 821n
- Ecuador, 836–883
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 13–14, 226–227
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to. See Military equipment, infra.
- Axis business interests, U.S. efforts to secure cooperation in elimination of, 865–873
- Bases, negotiations concerning, 836–864 Galápagos Base, 836–863 Salinas Base, 839–840, 842–843
- Defense problems. See Bases, supra; and Military equipment, infra.
- Economic development, U.S. participation in, 873–881
- Galápagos Base, 836–863
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace and Security in the Hemisphere, vote on postponement of, 7
- Lend-Lease account, status of, 861
- Manta-Quevedo Road, 873–881 passim
- Military equipment: Aircraft allocation and delivery, 837–838, 844, 848–849, 863–864; Armaments and equipment, U.S. policy regarding, and Ecuadoran inability to pay, 89, 92, 855, 858–859, 864; Naval vessels, sale of authorized, 851
- Proclaimed List, 865–873 passim
- Salinas Base, 839–840, 842–843
- Wheat shortage, U.S. position regarding, 881–883
- Egger, Rowland, 393
- Eiland, Staff Sgt. Oscar J., 1234, 1238, 1242, 1248
- Eiseman, Lt. Col. Douglas, 852–853
- Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 249, 250–252, 253–254
- Elío, Guillermo, 342, 346–347
- Elío, Tomás, 342
- Elliott, John C., 296
- El Salvador
- Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, resolution concerning Axis influence, 81–82, 85, 1282
- Errera, Alfonso, 368n
- Erwin, John D., 955–956, 968
- Espinosa de los Monteros, Antonio, 975–976
- Espy, James, 374–376, 381–386, 390–392, 394–396, 398, 400
- Estimé, Dumarsais, 912–915, 937–938
- Estrada, Victor Emilio, 846n
- Estrada Doctrine, 363
- Export-Import Bank, 93, 393–394, 398, 490, 495–498, 501, 595–596, 602, 618–620, 625–627, 638–639, 645–646, 674–675, 682–683, 763–769, 838–839, 873–881, 997–1005, 1085–1086, 1092–1094, 1172, 1200–1205
- Falck, L. James, 755
- Falcón-Briceño, M. A., 366, 1352
- Faria Lima, Lt. Col. José Vicente de, 449
- Farias, Jesús, 1348
- Farrell, Gen. Edelmiro, 192
- Faust, John B., 956–958
- Ferguson, Homer, 168n
- Ferguson, Col. Thomas D., 426–428
- Fernandez, Alfonso, 591–593
- Fernández Bazán, Victor N., 350n
- Fernández Fernández, Joaquin, 365, 570n, 575n, 580
- Ferrari, Libertario, 41
- Ferreira, Manuel, 1178
- Ferrer Vieyra, Enrique, 259
- Fetter, Frank W., 492–494, 496
- Fiore, Luís, 182
- Fitz Gerald, D. A., 136
- Fiuza de Castro, Gen. Alvaro, 451–452
- Flack, Joseph, 356–365, 367–371, 373, 396–398, 400–403, 415–416, 420–425, 625–627, 839–840, 1310–1311, 1314–1316, 1334–1335, 1339–1340
- Fleming, Horace K., 262–263
- Fleming, Maj. Gen. Philip, 1167
- Food crisis. See Wheat under individual countries.
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 592, 600–602, 1255–1256, 1260, 1262
- Foreign Liquidation Commission, 426, 429–431, 434, 436–437, 446, 451, 1079
- Foreign Ministers’ Conferences, 271n, 383, 412
- Forrestal, James, 108n, 649, 704n, 849–850
- Foster, William Z., 722
- France, 65
- Franco, Col. Rafael, 1178, 1184
- Franklin, William M., 1148
- Freire Esteves, Gómez, 1178
- Freude, Ludwig, 193, 201, 241, 247, 305, 327–328, 331, 333, 337
- Freude, Rudolf, 327–328
- Frixione, Francisco, 1074
- Frova Mazzoni, Antonio Domingo, 1276
- Fuente, Horacio de la, 561n, 566n
- Galbraith, Willard, 422
- Galino, Nestor, 341
- Galvez, Juan Manuel, 964
- García, Celso Raul, 120–122, 489, 499
- Garcia Arocha, Mario, 1359
- García Granados, Jorge, 895n, 897n
- Garcia Sayán, Enrique, 1210–1213, 1225–1226, 1237–1240, 1265
- Garland Roel, Eduardo, 344, 357n, 422n
- Gaston, Herbert E., 490, 602, 646, 674–675, 763–765, 873–875
- Gates, Gen. Byron E., 426–428, 437
- Geist, Raymond H., 349n, 363, 1036
- Gerberich, Albert H., 675
- Germany. See Axis.
- Gibson, Hugh, 136
- Gibson, Raleigh A., 683–684
- Gilardi, Gen. Carlos A., 1207n
- Gimenez, Col. Enrique, 1179
- Glenn, Col. Edgar E., 710
- Góes Monteiro, Gen. Pedro Aurelio de, 23, 440–441
- Goldsmith, Leonard, 1159–1160, 1165
- Golino, Ernst, 1060
- Golino, Felice, 1060
- Gómez, Joaquín, 1069, 1073
- Góngora, Gen. Enríque, 1220n, 1226–1227
- Gonzáles, J. Natalicio, 1189n
- Gonzáles Chávez, Col. Camilo, 710–711
- Gonzáles Videla, Gabriel, 605n, 606, 607, 612–614, 616
- Grace (W.R.) and Company, 342, 344, 346, 355
- Gracie, Samuel de Souza-Leão, 17, 23, 128, 134–135, 367, 433n, 469, 499, 501–503, 543–544, 822n
- Grau San Martín, Ramón, 196–197, 724, 735, 748, 771–772, 793
- Green, David S., 487
- Greer, Rear Adm. Marshall R., 435–436, 649
- Griffiths, John F., 214
- Grillo, César S., 469
- Grimes, Howard A., 1232
- Gromyko, Andrei, 723
- Guani, Alberto, 1282
- Guatemala, 885–901
- Agreement to provide for procurement of crude rubber, 1942, termination of, 885
- Airfields in, 104–105
- Airline, expropriation of, protection of American interests, 895–901
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 227
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 89, 92, 93–94
- International Highway of the Pacific (Emergency Military Route), construction of, 177–178
- Lend-Lease account, status of, 885–889
- Railway lines, U.S. concern over possible nationalization of, 890–895
- Güell, Gonzalo, 717
- Guerra, José Antonio, 756–757
- Guevara Moreno, Carlos, 848n
- Guggiari, José P., 1186n, 1188
- Guillén, Néstor, 362
- Guinle, Guilherme, 535
- Gulf Oil Company, 525–527, 541–542, 550n
- Gundlach, Cornelius F., 404
- Guthrie, William D., 1062
- Gutiérrez, Francisco de P., 93n, 688
- Gutiérrez Granier, Luis, 360
- Gutiérrez Vea Murguia, Guillermo, 400–401
- Hadow, Robert Henry, 280–282
- Haggerty, John J., 1266–1267
- Haiti, 902–954
- Agreements with the United States, 913n, 914, 931n
- Airfields in, 105
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 87, 89, 96–98
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Constitution, proposed, U.S. representations regarding provisions which would discriminate against U.S. interests, 915–931
- Debt, external, U.S. efforts to ease while protecting interests of American bondholders, 931–954
- Lend-Lease, status of account, 938–939
- Recognition of government established after resignation of President Lescot, 902–912; U.S.-Haitian relations, 912–915
- Hall, Carlos C., 1248, 1268–1269
- Halle, Louis J., Jr., 34, 38–39, 813n
- Hamilton, Kingsley W., 1051–1052
- Hanford, Maj. George, 1234
- Harden, Orville, 523, 541–542
- Harnisch, Hans Rudolf Leo, 193
- Harrington, Theonis, 1058
- Harrison, John L., 170–172
- Hauch, Charles C., 832, 904n, 908n, 918–919, 930–931, 932n, 940–941, 944–954
- Havemeyer, John K., 516, 521–523
- Havlik, Hubert F., 610–612, 1275
- Haya de la Torre, Victor Raul, 1251, 1259, 1268–1269
- Heins, Fred G., 178n
- Hellmuth, Osmar Alberto, 240
- Hernández, Capt. Efrain, 710–711
- Hernández, Pablo M., 1036, 1039
- Hernández Martínez, Maximiliano, 961n
- Herrera Mendoza, J. M., 1326
- Hertford, Brig. Gen. Kenner F., 862
- Hertzog, Enrique, 341
- Heyler, E. F., 178–181
- Hilldring, Gen. John H., 296
- Hines, Frank T., 203, 1095–1174 passim
- Hiss, Alger, 21, 33–34
- Hochschild, Mauricio, 375–377, 386–388
- Hodgson, Joseph, 755
- Holger, Rear Adm., 573
- Homer, Maj. Gen. John L., 840
- Honduras, 955–968
- Hoover, Herbert, 136, 138–139, 1359–1360
- Hore-Belisha, Leslie, 197
- Horowitz, Daniel L., 610–612
- Howard, George C., 750–753, 769
- Huezo, Rafael, 1092
- Humbard, John L., 1169
- Hushing, W. C., 1155
- Hutson, John B., 1266n
- Ibarra García, Oscar, 193
- Ibarra Mayorga, Francisco, 1074
- Illanes, Mario, 584–585, 629
- Illescas Barreiro, Francisco, 861
- Institute of Inter-American Transportation, 1036–1039
- Inter-American Coffee Board, U.S. interest in problems of, 154–167
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace and Security in the Hemisphere, postponement of, 1–27
- Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace (Chapultepec Conference) 1945, 1n, 7, 30n, 692, 832; Economic charter, 50–51, 68, 73, 402, 524, 534, 535, 540, 626, 915, 1011; Final act, 82, 185, 243, 271, 350, 383, 412, 494n, 540n, 624, 668, 1144, 1281n
- Inter-American Conference on Systems of Economic and Financial Control, 1942, 271, 589, 1193
- Inter-American Highway, U.S. cooperation with other governments in construction of, 168–181, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1132, 1172
- Inter-American Military Cooperation Bill, 1946, (U.S.), 26, 27, 99n, 108–110, 278–279, 290–291, 294–296, 307–309, 460, 659, 855, 1274n
- Inter-American Radio Conference, 3d, 1945, 738n
- International Civil Aviation Conference, 1944, 469n, 670, 992, 1285n
- International Civil Aviation Organization, provisional, 65
- International Conference of American States, Eighth, Lima, 1938, 30
- International Conference of American States, Ninth, to meet in Bogota, preliminary discussions concerning, 28–39
- International Conference on Trade and Employment, 744n, 916, 923
- International Labor Conferences at Mexico City and Montreal, 1946, 40–64
- Problems considered regarding Argentina, 40–42, 45–46; Panama, 42–45, 47–64
- International Railways of Central America (IRCA), 890–891, 894n
- International Trade Organization of the United Nations, proposed, 68, 541, 923
- Isle of Pines Steamship Company, 747, 768
- Italy. See Axis.
- James, Edwin W., 175–177, 390–391, 1087–1088, 1167
- Japan. See Axis.
- Jara, Gen. Heriberto, 1058n, 1061
- Jarrell, Capt. Albert E., 1058n
- Jett, E. K., 737–739
- Jewett, George, 381–383, 387–388, 394
- Jiménez, Enrique A., 1097, 1118, 1124, 1133, 1164
- Jimínez, Roberto, 1096n
- Johnson, Hallett, 12–13, 682–698
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (U.S.), 668
- Keating, Joseph T., 741n
- Kemper, Claude, 387–388
- Kennecott Copper Corporation, 604–610
- Kennedy, Donald D., 375, 377–379, 381–383, 392n
- Kidd, Philip C., 426–428
- Kilgore, Harley M., 106
- King, Spencer M., 414–415
- Kirk, Alan G., 248
- Klaus, Samuel, 247
- Klein, Julius, 136
- Kluckhohn, Frank L., 194
- Knox, Charles F., 1326n, 1352–1353, 1357n
- Koegler, George, 541–542
- Kyle, Edwin J., 177–178, 227, 896–899
- Lacayo Fiallos, Constantino, 178–181
- Lacerda Lago, Renato de, 357n
- La Follette, Robert M., Jr., 1020
- Lainez, Silverio, 964
- Lamm, Donald W., 428n
- Landis, James M., 477–482
- Lane, Chester T., 106, 449
- Lang, Brig. Gen. John W., 213, 225
- Lara, Juan C., 679
- Laughlin, Comdr. William M., 456n
- Lavaud, Col. Frank, 903–905
- Leche, John H., 562–563, 588n
- Lechín, Juan, 371, 379–381
- Leeper, Sir Reginald, 322
- Leoni, Raul, 1344n
- Lescot, Elie, 902–903, 932n
- Letona, Col. Tomás M., 899
- Levelt, Maj. Antoine, 903n, 906, 908
- Lewis, Samuel, 1113
- Lherisson, Camille, 905
- Lipkowitz, Samuel, 381–383
- Lira Citrón, Luis Felipe, 344n
- Lister, Ernest A., 453
- Litvinov, Maxim, 722
- Livesey, Frederick, 486, 603, 944–954
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 29n, 203, 658, 667n, 1301, 1303
- Lobo, Fernando, 32n, 114–117
- Loftus, John A., 532–533, 541–542, 1335, 1337–1339, 1340n
- Lombardo Toledano, Vicente, 42, 47, 50–52, 196, 969, 971–972, 977n
- Londoño y Londoño, Fernando, 13n, 29n, 669n
- López Contreras, Gen. Eleázar, 1298, 1301–1302
- López-Fresquet, Rufo, 757–760
- López-Herrarte, Enrique, 93n, 155–159, 166, 886, 899–901
- Loudon, John, 1353–1355
- Luna Ferreccio, Col. Antonio, 1222n
- Lusardo, João Baptista, 137n
- Luthringer, George F., 877–878
- Luz, Carlos, 23
- Lyon, Cecil B., 338–339
- Lyons, Thomas E., 1141
- MacDonald, Thomas H., 179n, 1167, 1169–1171
- Macedo Soares e Silva, Col. Edmundo, 452, 489–490, 492–494, 499
- Machado Hernández, Alfredo, 1317–1319
- Macheno, Col. Carlos, 840n
- Macherey, Col. Earl, 859
- Machuca, Gen. Vicente, 1179
- MacLean, W. G., 1052n
- Magloire, Maj. Paul, 903n
- Maldonado, Manuel Victor, 363
- Maleady, Thomas J., 1343, 1346
- Mañas, Arturo, 776, 783–784, 791, 796–799
- Mandl, Fritz, 1227
- Mann, Thomas C., 284–285, 317–319, 363–364, 1271–1272
- Marcano, Lt. Col. Jorge, 1312, 1314
- Margrón, Gastón, 938–942, 944–954
- Marinello, Juan, 722
- Marrero Aristy, Ramón, 829
- Marroquin Rojas, Clemente, 892
- Marshall, James H., 785–788, 800
- Marshell, P. E. P., 178–181
- Martin, T. R., 78–79
- Martin, William McChesney, 646, 873–875
- Martínez Lanza, Rodolfo, 1276
- Martínez Tornel, Pedro, 996n
- Martínez Vargas, Ricardo, 394–396
- Martins Pereira e Sousa, Carlos, 1n, 21, 150, 447, 499–500, 505–507, 512, 513–514
- Mason, Frank, 136
- Maxwell, James A., 90n, 1083
- Mayfield, Adm. Irving H., 569
- McArdle, Robert J., 831
- McCabe, Thomas, 839
- McCaskill, Joseph C., 400
- McCloy, John J., 1337–1342
- McCollum, Leonard F., 630, 680, 1008
- McCormack, Alfred, 28
- McCoy, Col. George, 1223–1224
- McFarland, Col. D. Charles, 1222n
- McGurk, Joseph F., 1282–1283
- Mclntyre, Comdr., Donald, 559
- McSherry, Gen. Frank, 1166–1167
- Mead, James M., 168n
- Meany, George, 40, 46–48, 52
- Medina, Col. Ernesto, 572n
- Mehaffey, Brig. Gen. J. C., 54–60, 1097, 1153–1156, 1158, 1160–1163
- Meier, Hugo, 136
- Mein, John G., 521–522
- Mello, Edgard de, 499
- Mello, Rubens Ferreira de, 545, 554
- Mendoza Aveles, Rafael, 879n
- Mendoza Goiticoa, Eduardo, 1357n, 1360
- Mene Grande Oil Company, 1335
- Merchant, Livingston T., 1285n
- Messersmith, George S.: As Ambassador to Argentina, 80, 141, 149, 245–339 passim; as ambassador to Mexico, 18–19, 23n, 25, 41–42, 45–53, 191, 969–1052 passim
- Mexico, 969–1067
- Agreements with the United States (see also Military service; and Trade agreement, infra), 988n, 1033, 1049n, 1067
- Agricultural and other workers, arrangements regarding temporary migration into the United States, 1017–1036
- Air transport agreement, breakdown of U.S.-Mexican negotiations for, 992–997
- Airfields in, 105
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 18–19
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy regarding provision of, 87, 89, 92, 101
- Bolivia, recognition of Junta Government in, 349, 363
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Continental shelf, policy regarding, 1054–1067
- Elections in, 969–978
- Export-Import Bank loans for public works and industrialization projects, 997–1005
- Fisheries relations, U.S.-Mexican, as affected by Mexican continental shelf policy, 1054–1067; extension of agreement respecting U.S. fisheries mission, 1067
- Guadeloupe Island weather stations, agreement regarding, 1067
- Haiti, recognition of new government in, 911n
- Hoof-and-mouth disease in Mexico, joint U.S.-Mexican campaign against, 1048–1051
- Import restrictions, discussions regarding, 1039–1048
- Lend-Lease obligations, discussions of problem of, 978–987
- Loans and credits, 997–1005
- Military service agreement of 1943, U.S.-Mexican disagreement on termination of, and its effect on Mexican residents in the United States, 988–991
- Petroleum industry, U.S. policy regarding participation of foreign oil companies in, 1005–1016
- Presidential campaign, U.S. policy of nonintervention in, 969–978
- Railway lines, joint memorandum relative to termination of cooperative U.S.-Mexican rehabilitation program for, 1036–1039
- Trade agreement of 1942, discussions regarding revision of, 1039–1048
- Weather stations on Guadeloupe Island, 1067
- Wheat shipments to, 1051–1054
- Meynen, Erich Otto von, 240
- Migone, Gen. José A., 1185
- Military assistance. See Armaments and military assistance.
- Miller, Cpl. Andrew, 1234, 1249, 1251
- Miller, Carlos, 1079
- Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Second Meeting, (1940), 271n
- Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Third Meeting, (1942), 271n, 383, 412
- Minneman, Paul G., 778–779, 796–800
- Mitchell, Lt. Col. William, 1285–1287
- Mojaisky, Gastón, 357n
- Mokma, Gerald A., 13n, 672–673
- Mollinedo Imaña, Anibal, 407
- Moncayo, Hugo, 357n
- Monje Gutiérrez, Tomás, 352, 424n
- Monroe, F. Adair, 761–762
- Monroy Block, Germán, 380n
- Monsma, George N., 85, 464–465, 584–585
- Montero Bernales, Carlos, 1252, 1255–1256
- Montero de Bustamante, César, 1274n
- Montesinos, Maj. Miguel J., 831n
- Mooers, Horatio T., 916–918, 920–921
- Moorehead, Lt. Col. J. V., 1081
- Mora, José A., 363, 1293
- Mora, Manuel, 693
- Mora, Marcial, 32n, 576n, 577, 621–623, 635–637
- Morales, Carlos, 1331
- Morales López, Col. Oscar, 888–889, 897–898
- Morante Jara, Capt. Samuel, 1227
- Morínigo, Higinio, 1175n, 1178–1184
- Morse, David A., 61–64
- Moscoso, Rodrigo Jacome, 854n, 868n
- Muhlbauer Landgraff, Teodoro, 1276
- Mulliken, Otis E., 42–44
- Munro, H. H. H., 396
- Myrddin-Evans, Guildhaume, 46
- Nalapanca, Rodolfo, 351
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 93, 498, 596, 603–604, 638
- National Airlines, 743, 752
- Navarro Aceves, Salvador, 349
- Neathery, Jack B., 343, 390
- Ness, Norman L., 639, 674–675, 1172, 1200–1201
- Netherlands, 65
- Neves da Fontoura, João, 26, 212–213, 441, 823
- Newbegin, Robert, 227–228, 887–891, 895–901, 958–960, 964–967, 1087–1088, 1094
- Nicaragua, 1068–1094
- Agreements with the United States, 1090n
- Airfields in, 105
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 224, 227–228
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 87, 89, 96, 97, 98
- Bases, strategic, transfer to Nicaragua 1077–1083
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Financial obligations, U.S. efforts to obtain settlement of, 1083–1094
- Inter-American Highway, 170–176
- Lend-Lease account, 1083–1094 passim
- Rama Road, U.S. cooperation in construction of, 170–176, 178–181, 1087
- Somoza’s bid for reelection, 1068–1077
- U.S. policy of nonintervention in internal affairs, reaffirmation of, 1068–1077
- Nicaro Nickel Company, 718–719
- Niéto del Rio, Félix, 38
- Noble, Adm. 106–107
- Nolan, Charles P., 755
- Norden, Carl F., 756–757
- Norregaard, Nelson, 790–792
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 480
- North American Regional Broadcasting Conference, Second, 1946, 737–739
- Norton, Garrison, 479–482
- Norweb, R. Henry, 196–197, 717–736, 743–750, 757–761, 766–767, 771–772, 775–779
- Nufer, Albert F., 745, 762, 771–772, 777, 789–790, 794
- Obino, Lt. Gen. Salvador César, 26, 460
- Oddone, Rafael, 1182
- O’Donoghue, Sidney E., 1018–1019, 1025, 1030
- Office of Economic Stabilization (U.S.), 517–518
- Office of Price Administration (U.S.), 154–155, 159–160, 167, 515–517
- Ohly, John H., 1166–1167
- Olano, Col. Manuel José 240
- Olds, Gen. Robert, 431
- Ordway, Col. G., 660
- Orloski, John H., 415
- Ospina Pérez, Mariano, 663–664, 675
- Otál, Capt. Rigoberto, 1060
- O’Toole, Richard F., 147, 151–152, 485–492, 488–500
- Padilla, Ezequiel, 977, 1009n
- Page, Frank C., 1000
- Pampliega, Gen. Amancio, 1178
- Pan American Airlines, 102–106, 431, 456–457, 465, 472n, 479–482, 668, 672, 743, 750, 752, 992, 1077, 1286
- Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology, Second, Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 1–15, 1946, U.S. participation in, 66–76
- Pan American Grace Airways (Panagra), 342–343, 346, 355, 672
- Pan American Highway. See Inter-American Highway.
- Pan American Union, 7, 28, 34, 36n
- Panama, 1095–1174
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 12
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 89, 92, 96
- Bases (see also Defense sites, infra): Panamanian demands for return of, 1101, 1109–1112; return of, 1095, 1101–1102; U.S. Embassy proposals for, 1096
- Canal Zone, commercial relations in, 1142–1145; radio communications and defense of, 1102–1103
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Claims pending, made by either Government in favor of its nationals, 1098, 1126, 1173–1174
- Coinage, minting of, and restrictions regarding, 1146–1147
- Commerce, relations with United States with regard to, 1142–1148
- Consular services performed by U.S. consulates for Panama, and fees for, 1145–1146, 1147–1148
- Defense sites, discussions between United States and
Panama regarding, 1095–1142
- Defense Sites Agreement of 1942: Panamanian interpretation of, and U.S. views on, 1103–1107, 1108–1109, 1114–1117, 1119–1123; proposed press release regarding, U.S.-Panama exchange of views on, 1107–1108, 1113–1114, 1126, 1127–1130
- New agreement regarding: Panamanian proposals for, and related demands, 1097–1100, 1112–1113, 1117–1118, 1124, 1133–1134; preliminary U.S.-Panamanian discussions on, 1138–1142; U.S. views and proposals, 1100–1101, 1125–1127, 1130–1132, 1135–1138
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace and Security in the Hemisphere, vote on postponement of, 7
- Labor practices by U.S. Government agencies, Panamanian charges of discrimination, 1149–1167; consideration at International Labor Conferences at Mexico City and Montreal, 42–45, 47–64
- Public works and facilities, U.S. participation in development of, 1167–1174
- Pantepec Oil Company, 1337–1342, 1343
- Paraguay, 1175–1205
- Agriculture development agreement, 1175n, 1176
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 17–18
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 87, 89, 105, 1190–1193
- Axis interests in, U.S. concern in elimination of, 1193–1200
- Debts of, U.S. policy regarding, 1200–1205
- Democratic government, U.S. interest in development of, 1175–1190
- Loans to, U.S. policy regarding, 1200–1205
- Political situation in, 1175–1190
- Pastor Benítez, Justo, 1178
- Patterson, Robert P., 105–106, 108n, 290–291, 443, 704n, 708–709, 849–850
- Pawley, William D.: As Ambassador to Brazil, 23–24, 26–27, 138–140, 144–146, 261–262, 367, 449–557 passim; as Ambassador to Peru, 222, 1206–1268 passim
- Paz Estenssoro, Victor, 343, 350, 389n, 408
- Pearson, Lt. Col. Harold J., 1185n, 1192n
- Pearson, L. B., 3–4, 195
- Pearson, Thomas, 937–938
- Peluffo, Gen. Orlando Lorenzo, 219
- Pena, Hugo V. de, 366n
- Pena, José M., 1283–1284
- Pena Batlle, Manuel Arturo, 216, 805n, 832–834
- Penteado, Eurico, 166, 490
- Péez Alfonso, Juan Pablo, 1332–1336, 1349–1354
- Pérez Jiménez, Maj. Marcos, 1307–1308
- Perón, Col. Juan, 22, 139, 195, 199–201, 210–211, 213–214, 225, 327, 1290, 1292
- Perowne, J.V.T.W.T., 206–208
- Peru, 1206–1269
- Argentina, relations with, 1268–1269; views on U.S. policy toward, 222
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 89, 92, 101, 1206–1210, 1213, 1219, 1222
- Axis interests, status of replacement program, 1227–1231
- Bases, military, U.S. relinquishment of, 1210–1213, 1213–1219, 1219–1221, 1223–1227
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Courts, U.S. position on jurisdiction in criminal matters over American military personnel, 1232–1251
- Debts of and loans to, U.S. policy on, 1251–1265
- Pan American Congress of Mining Engineering and Geology, 71
- Wheat crisis, U.S. efforts to relieve, 1265–1269
- Peterson, Maj. John L., 904
- Petroleum and Petroleum industry. See under Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Venezuela.
- Pettigrew, Robert L., 938
- Phelan, Edward J., 43, 46
- Picado, Teodoro, 687, 690–693
- Picado, Gen. René, 690
- Pinto, Col. José Celestino, 15n, 343n, 347–348, 350, 352, 355, 360, 388
- Pioneer Highway, 168, 169n, 177n
- Pires do Rio, José, 504n
- Plate, Maurice, 136
- Plaza, Galo, 836, 843–848, 851, 875, 879
- Pochhammer, Wilhelm von, 193
- Podestá Costa, Luis A., 216
- Pollan, Arthur A., 890–891
- Polleri Carrió, Felix, 1283–1284
- Ponce, Maj. Antonio, 340n, 352, 360
- Ponce Enríquez, Camilo, 846, 862
- Posey, Carl A., 688
- Preston, Howard, 1021, 1024
- Prewett, Virginia, 577
- Price-Mars, Jean, 916–918
- Prío Socarrás, Carlos, 800
- Proclaimed List (see also under individual countries), withdrawal of, 76–81, 83–85
- Proposals for Expansion of World Trade and Employment, U.S., 541, 744, 915, 923, 1042n
- Proudfit, Arthur T., 1354
- Public Roads Administration (U.S.), 169, 175–177, 391, 880, 1132, 1168–1171, 1174
- Puyans, Tomás, 800
- Rama Road. See under Nicaragua.
- Ramírez Rodríguez, Pablo, 593n
- Ramsey, Vice Adm. DeWitt C., 650–652
- Rawson, Gen. Arturo, 240
- Ray, Guy W., 1048–1051
- Rayner, Charles B., 532–533, 538–539, 1340n, 1352–1353
- Rebolledo Clement, Juan, 995n
- Reed, Leslie E., 1193–1194, 1199–1200
- Rees, Thomas Ifor, 340n, 342
- Renick, Abbott, 381–383
- Reveley, Paul J., 988, 1060–1061
- Reyes, R. Canedo, 387–389
- Rigaud, Emile, 905
- Rigaud, Georges, 903, 940–941, 944–949
- Rigley, Lt. Col. Orin H., Jr., 710–711, 819–820
- Riguera, Ricardo, 41, 46–47
- Rios Morales, Juan Antonio, 586, 598, 625
- Rittenhouse, Austin J., 1305
- Robbins, Mr., 516
- Robinson, J. W., 168n, 172
- Roca, Bias, 732
- Rocha, Antonio, 32n, 38–39
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 846
- Rodríguez, Mario, 603
- Rodríguez Larreta, Eduardo, 208n, 1278n, 1280, 1282, 1289–1290
- Rogers, James Grafton, 593, 600–602, 1255, 1260
- Romero Sánchez, Miguel Octavio, 1335
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 903, 983
- Rose Ugarte, Luis, 1267n
- Routh, Augustus Crosbie, 921, 923n
- Rouzier, Gontran, 902, 906
- Rovira, German, 387–388
- Rowell, Maj. Gen. Ross E., 1207
- Royall, Kenneth C., 87–88, 90–91
- Rubber. See under Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil.
- Rubin, Seymour J., 80–81
- Ruiz, Julio, 576–577, 578
- Russell, Donald S., 110
- Russell, Francis H., 409
- Saavedra Suárez, José, 396n
- Saballos, Fernando, 1073
- Saenz García, Eduardo, 422n
- Sánchez Barnett, Isaias, 47–48, 57
- Sánchez Peña, Jorge H., 383–386
- San Francisco Conference, 1945, 692, 832, 1144
- San Martín, Manuel, 777
- Sanjines, Claudio, 362
- Santamaria, Carlos Sanz de, 648–649
- Sarabia, Manuel, 1058
- Sauri, Col. Joaquín I., 128, 187
- Sayers, R. R., 66n
- Scanlan, William, 492–494, 625–627
- Scherer, George F., 216, 807, 819–820, 825–830
- Schiaffino, Rafael, 1280
- Schnake, Oscar, 630
- Schnee, Alexander, 578–579, 584–585, 596–598, 606–608, 610–612, 615–616, 619–620, 645–647, 1341–1342
- Schneeberger, Ernst, 924
- Schwellenbach, Lewis B., 43, 61–64
- Sciutto Moncalvo, Luis Alberto, 1276–1277
- Scott, H. D., 1081, 1083
- Scotten, Robert M., 226–227, 839–883 passim
- Seatrain Lines, 754–755
- Seigle, Oscar, 775, 776, 783, 793, 794, 796–800
- Serrano, Escobar, 194, 205–206
- Sevilla Sacasa, Guillermo, 227–228, 1072n, 1086, 1089, 1091–1092
- Shaw, George P., 840, 866–872
- Shell Oil Company, 1335, 1344–1345, 1348–1349, 1353–1355
- Sherman, Louis, 43–44
- Silva Peña, Eugenio, 893–895
- Simmons, John F., 194, 205–206
- Simpson, John L., 890–891
- Simson, Col. G. O., 566n
- Skeldon, Lt. Col. James F., 863–864
- Smith, H. Gerald, 1352–1353
- Smith, H. T., 873–874
- Smith, James H., 481
- Snyder, John W., 90–91, 512
- Solana, Joseph R., 686–687
- Solares, Aniceto, 362, 367–368, 370–371, 373, 397
- Somoza, Gen. Anastasio, 171n, 176, 227–228, 1068–1069, 1076, 1079–1080, 1086–1088, 1094
- Sonnett, John F., 708
- Soviet Union, 85, 971–972, 1342–1343
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 248
- Spaeth, Carl B., 1, 247
- Sparks, Edward J., 208–209, 1270–1297, passim
- Spears, Rear Adm. William O., 649
- Spencer, George O., 863–864, 965
- Stagg, Leonardo, 872–873
- Stamets, Capt. George C., 819
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 523, 525–527, 541–542, 550n, 553, 623–624, 630–631, 1006, 1343
- Stannard, E. T., 605–608, 610, 616–617
- Staudt, Ricardo, 328, 332
- Steidle, Edward, 66n
- Stenger, Jerome J., 595, 625–627, 947–954, 1200–1201
- Stettinius, Edward, 635, 1000
- Stone, Thomas A., 284–285
- Storace Bordaberry, E., 1294–1296
- Stowers, John L., 746n, 768
- Strobel, Jack, 1165
- Stuart, Wallace, 390–391
- Suárez, Eduardo, 1039n
- Sucre, Carlos, 1113, 1124, 1137n, 1138–1141
- Suero, Roberto. 777
- Sullivan, John L., 90–91
- Suman, John R., 623–624
- Sundt, Olaf F., 630n
- Surplus Property Act of 1944 (U.S.), 90, 434, 659
- Symington, W. Stuart, 90–91
- Taboada, Antonio, 17–18, 1176–1177
- Tamayo, Luis, 663n, 667n
- Tamborini, José P., 191, 221
- Taussig, Charles W., 1149–1150, 1152, 1154
- Taylor, Wayne C., 682
- Tello, Manuel, 18n, 349, 1018–1019
- Tewksbury, Howard H., 183
- Texas Oil Company, 550n
- Thornburg, Max, 1315
- Thorp, Willard L., 628, 635, 1001
- Thurston, Walter, 349, 363, 377–379, 976n, 986–1067 passim
- Tippett, Cloyce J., 442, 466, 469, 473
- Tittmann, Harold H., 925–930, 937–939, 942–944
- Tong, James, 680
- Toriello, Guillermo, 897n
- Toro, Emilio, 155–159
- Torres Bodet, Jaime, 1003n
- Torres Gigena, Carlos, 422n, 423–424
- Tovarías Arroyo, Gen. Manuel, 568
- Townsend, Rex M. F., 400, 625–627, 1340n
- Townsend, Willard, 53
- Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 (U.S.), 77
- Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Aviation agreement between United States and United Kingdom, 1946, 470, 671
- Convention on the status of foreigners, 1928, 990
- Peace treaty between United States and Mexico, 1848, 1063
- Treaty of friendship and cooperation between United States and Panama, 1936, 1099, 1107, 1171
- Treaty of limits, isthmus transit, etc., between United States and Mexico, 1853, 1063
- Treaty of 1903 between United States and Panama, 57, 1142
- Trimble, W. C., 295
- Trippe, Juan, 480–481
- Trompowsky, Brig. Armando, 438, 440, 465, 469, 484n
- Trueblood, Edward G., 110n, 639–645
- Trujillo, José Vicente, 226n, 348, 842n, 861–863, 881n
- Trujillo, Generalissimo Rafael Leonidas, 806–815, 827, 829–830
- Trujillo Gurria, Francisco, 1019n, 1022–1023
- Truman, Harry S, 66n, 84n, 136, 169n, 278, 282, 298, 445n, 805, 886n, 976n, 979, 1051n, 1055, 1152
- Tucker, Capt. Forrest, 1273n
- Tudela, Francisco, 1261, 1263
- Tunnell, James M., 296
- Turkel, Harry R., 744–745
- Turnbull, J. Gordon, 628
- Turner, Domingo H., 48, 49, 52, 57–58
- Turton, Franklin E., 605–607
- Ulate, Otilio, 696
- Umaña Bernal, Francisco, 664n, 1299n, 1303–1304
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 85, 971–972, 1342–1343
- United Fruit Company, 889–890
- United Kingdom, 65, 78–79, 206–208, 255, 278–279, 280–282, 290–291, 307–309, 322, 332
- United Nations Conference on International Organization, 1945, 692, 832, 1144
- United Nations General Assembly, 697–698, 1133
- United Nations Preparatory Committee on Trade and Employment, 744n, 756–757
- Uruguay, 1270–1297
- Air transport agreement, discussions between United States and Uruguay regarding, 1283–1289
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 208–209
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 89, 101, 1270–1274
- Axis interests in, U.S. concern regarding, 1276–1283
- Bolivia, recognition of Junta government in, 363–364
- Haiti, recognition of new government in, 910, 911n
- Lend-Lease account, status of, 1275
- Pan American Congress of Mining
- Engineering and Geology, 71
- Proposal on human rights, 1, 188–189, 245, 1075
- Wheat crises in, U.S. efforts to relieve, 1289–1297; purchase of Argentine wheat, 1290–1297 passim
- U.S. Congress:
- Utzinger, Gustav Eduard, 193
- Valdetaro, Col. João, 449
- Valdovinos, Arnaldo, 1190
- Vallarino, Octavio A., 1138–1140
- Vandenberg, Lt. Gen. Hoyt S., 249
- Vargas, Armando, 1059
- Vargas, Getulio, 223, 431, 432
- Vargas, Maj. Mario, 1298, 1308
- Vásquez, Horacio, 806n
- Vásquez Díaz, Manuel, 1213n, 1261, 1263
- Vega-Gomez, Felipe, 93n
- Velasco Ibana, José María, 836n
- Velazco, Col. Filomeno, 198
- Venezuela, 1298–1362
- American petroleum companies in Venezuela, 1330–1355
- Argentina, views on U.S. policy toward, 19–20, 220
- Armaments and military assistance, U.S. policy with respect to provision of, 89, 92, 101, 1306–1322
- Axis economic interests, U.S. position on continued presence of, 1322–1330
- Bolivia, recognition of Junta in, 366–367
- Caribbean Regional Air Navigation Meeting, 65
- Haiti, views on recognition of new government, 911n
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace and Security in the Hemisphere, vote on postponement of, 7
- Junta Government, 1298–1305
- Military mission, U.S., Venezuelan interest in (see also Armaments, supra), 1307–1310
- Petroleum (see also American petroleum companies, supra), Venezuelan proposals to barter for Argentine lard, 1352–1353
- Political situation, U.S. interest in, 1298–1305
- Wheat crisis in, U.S. concern regarding, 1356–1362
- Vergara, Roberto, 645–646
- Vial, Osvaldo, 350n
- Vidal, Carlos, 1256
- Vidigal, Gastão, 488n, 499, 510–511, 519
- Villarroel, Maj. Gualberto, 356, 359, 378, 409
- Vittrup, R. L., 1078
- Wagner, Lt. Col. Carl G., 1310, 1320
- Walker, W. W., 766n
- Wallace, Henry A., 1051
- Walsh, Maj. Gen. Robert L., 87–88, 648, 654, 1271
- Walters, Brig. Gen. Harold G., 1307
- Walton, Lt. Col. Charles M., 1232
- War Department (U.S.), 685, 836, 1077–1078
- Warren, Avra M., 224n, 836
- Warren, Fletcher, 172–175, 178–181, 224, 1068–1093 passim
- Watrous, Livingston D., 692
- Watt, Robert, 46, 52
- Weaver, Capt. Paul L. F., 561n
- Webb, Capt. Walter W., 234
- Week, Col. John A., 1321
- Weinstein, Robert, 1165
- Welles, Sumner, 258, 806, 978–979, 986–987, 1135
- Wells, Milton K., 364, 366–367, 559, 606–610, 651n, 1214–1215, 1223–1225
- West, R. K., 499
- Wheat. See under individual countries.
- Wheeler, Leslie A., 1266n
- Wiesman, Bernard, 43–45
- Wiley, John C., 13, 29, 154–155, 202–203, 221, 652–681 passim, 1299, 1301, 1303–1304
- Willey, R. F., 338–339
- Williams, Col. Douglas E., 1321
- Williams, Murat W., 888–889
- Williams, W. H., 932n, 937–938
- Wilson, Earl B., 774–775, 779–784
- Wilson, Howard H., 707–708
- Wilson, Orme, 902–920 passim
- Wise, Murray M., 44, 60–61, 688, 1097, 1120–1174
- Wolf, Franklin W., 1296–1297
- Woodward, Robert F., 15–16, 709–804 passim
- Wooten, Maj. Gen. Ralph H., 93–95, 863
- Wrather, W. E., 66n
- Wright, James H., 17, 19, 374–376, 381–383, 541–542, 625–627, 774–775, 877–878, 1255n
- Zaikin, Dimitri I., 722–723
- Zarco Kramer, Jorge, 404n, 405–407, 415
- Zavala, Louis, 342, 344
- Zelaya, Gen. José Maria, 180
- Zellerbach, James David, 40, 50
- Zevada, Manuel J., 1009
- Zimmer, Verne A., 40, 46, 49–50, 52, 63
- Zorne, Jesse, 1058
- Zuazo Cuenca, Julio, 360
- Zubizarreta, Gerónimo, 1188
- Zuleta Angel, Eduardo, 675–677
- Zuloaga, Vice Adm. José, 198