823.248/1–1946: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Pawley) to the Secretary of State


64. ReDeptel’s 26, Jan 11, 9 p.m.; 46, Jan 17, 8 p.m.6 General Arnold and General Rowell7 concur in delivery to Peruvian air force upon their arrival 2 PBY’s or OA–10’s, 5 B–25’s, 10 P–47’s, 3 C–47’s, 5 AT–11’s, 2 C–45’s and in addition 5 liaison, and 5 AT–6’s. The balance of the planes allocated to Peru and mentioned in your Deptel 26, Jan 11, 9 p.m. will be held in dead storage Talara Army Air Base, custody of Ambassador, for delivery as and when Air Mission chief and Ambassador agree Air Force can absorb.

  1. Latter not printed.
  2. Maj. Gen. Ross E. Rowell, Chief of the United States Military Mission to Peru.