812.51/10–2846: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Thurston)


A–1064. Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank on October 23, 1946 approved a request from Nacional Financiera for an extension of the expiry date of the $15,000,000 Mexican National Railways credit from December 31, 1946 to December 31, 1947. The Board [Page 1003] also approved a request from Nacional Financiera to transfer $4,000,000 from the $40,000,000 highway credit to the aforementioned railway credit. The increased credit is to be used for the purchase in the United States of railway equipment needed for the National Railways and the Mexican Railway.

In its request to the Bank, Financiera stated that they would only use about $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 of the $10,000,000 still available for the purchase of road building equipment in the United States and badly needed additional funds for the purchase of railway equipment.50

  1. In instruction 669, December 23, 1946, the Secretary of State transmitted to Ambassador Thurston copies of two amendatory agreements signed on November 15, 1946, between the United Mexican States, Nacional Financiera, S.A., and the Export-Import Bank, authorizing the transfer of $4,000,000 from the $40,000,000 highway credit to the $15,000,000 credit for the Mexican National Railways (812.51/12–2346).