838.51 Cooperation Program/10–946
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Haiti (Tittmann)
Washington, October 11, 1946—7
293. Pending receipt note69 summarized urtel 430 Oct 9,70 Emb requested inform Foreign Minister either formally or informally at its discretion,71 as follows:
- (1)
- As stated in Emb note Oct 2, all agreements and contracts continue in full force and effect until modified by agreement. Since no such modification made to date Dept perceives no authority for giving notice to National Bank or approving any variation from terms of either Executive Agreement 1941 or Eximbk Public Works Loan contract.
- (2)
- With specific reference amortization payments AC bonds, Emb requested refer to its note Oct 2 (based on Deptel 282 Sept 27) wherein it was stated this Govt not prepared suggest bondholders accept amortization less than $700,000.
- (3)
- Referring specifically amortization Public Works notes Dept believes Haiti in position to pay amortization $800,000.
- (4)
- Finally, Dept assumes omission of any reference to SHADA obligations in Haitian Govt’s proposal is due to Govt’s belief service these obligations current fiscal year will be met by SHADA itself. Should this not prove to be the case, Dept assumes Haitian Govt will fulfill terms of agreement with Eximbk.
However, with reference to both Public Works Notes and SHADA obligations Dept requests Emb call attention to outstanding offer stated in Emb note to Govt Sept 29, 1945 (see also Deptel 327 Sept 25, 194572).
- Note of October 9 from the Haitian Minister for Foreign Affairs was transmitted to the Department in despatch 32, October 10, not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Ambassador Tittmann advised the Department in telegram 482, November 8, 3 p.m., that the contents of the Department’s telegram 293 had been conveyed in writing to the Haitian Government as an interim reply on October 14, and requested that a definitive reply be forwarded to the Embassy from the Department as it appeared the Haitian Government was waiting to take necessary budgetary action until a definitive reply was received. In response, Acting Secretary Acheson requested (telegram 317, November 14, 11 a.m.) that the Embassy draft note to Haitian Government along lines of interim reply contained in telegram 293 of October 11 as definitive reply. (838.51 Cooperation Program/11–846)↩
- Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. ix, p. 1103.↩