811.2310/8–2146: Circular airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in Certain American Republics25
Please refer to previous communcations concerning the interim arms program under which military and other equipment are being made available through Surplus Property channels to certain other American republics, and particularly to recent communications from [Page 99] the Department concerning plans of the United States Army Air Forces to ferry to various other American republics aircraft being purchased under the interim program.
During the visit to Colombia and Peru of General H. H. Arnold, formerly Commanding General of the US Army Air Forces, plans for ferrying interim allocation aircraft to those countries were made by General Arnold with the respective governments. Subsequently arrangements were made in Washington by the USAAF with the Military Attachés of Brazil, Chile, Guatemala and Uruguay and with the Ambassador of Venezuela for ferrying interim allocation aircraft to those countries. In making these arrangements, it was made clear to the representatives of other governments that the aircraft would remain the property of the US Government until the representatives of the other governments had concluded negotiations with the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner in Washington, D.C. for the purchase of aircraft at prices established by the Foreign Liquidation Commission and the subsequent transfer of title. The War Department also agreed, at the request of the other governments, to permit training crews to remain with the aircraft after arrival in order to train nationals of the receiving countries in the operation and maintenance of the various types of aircraft to be delivered.
[Here follows detailed information concerning personnel, dates, etc.]
- The diplomatic representatives at Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá, Santiago, Guatemala, Lima, Montevideo, and Caracas.↩