The Chargé in Cuba (Woodward) to the Secretary of State
No. 1822
[Received July 9.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that prior to their departure for the United States, Messrs. Ware and Fitch of the Export-Import Bank called on the Commercial Attaché accompanied by Mr. Manuel Gamba of the Frederick Snare Corporation.
Mr. Fitch had visited a number of the projects accomplished with Export-Import Bank funds, including a considerable portion of the Central Highway, some of the country roads, and also the project at Santiago de Cuba. He felt that what had been accomplished had been well done and seemed pleased with the progress which had been made to date.
Mr. Ware reported that they were leaving everything in excellent shape so far as the financial arrangements were concerned. The last promissory note of the Comisión de Fomento Nacional had been drawn up and been taken to Washington for final acceptance. The [Page 769] Comisión as of June 30 was left with. $1,500,000 cash, all of which would be devoted to work on the Central Highway and will be expended in approximately five months from July 1, or by about the end of November. The Frederick Snare Corporation will continue in a supervisory capacity in so far as expenditures from this fund are concerned.
Both Mr. Fitch and Mr. Ware felt that there was not the slightest trace of resentment over the discontinuance of availability of Export-Import Bank funds so far as the Comisión or the other Government entities with whom they had come in contact were concerned and that the feeling seemed to be excellent.
Respectfully yours,
Commercial Attaché