The Ambassador in Costa Rica (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
No. 2480
[Received October 28.]
Sir: With reference to the Department’s confidential circular telegram, dated October 8, 1946, 8 a.m.,34 I have the honor to make the following report on the attitude of the Costa Rican Government towards various questions which are coming up in the meeting of the Assembly of the United Nations:35
The Costa Rican delegation to the Assembly has been instructed to only telegraph the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the most important issues and, in general, to follow the line desired by the United States Government.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs is against the use of veto power in the United Nations organization and has instructed the Costa Rican delegates, now in New York, accordingly. Don Julio Acosta has also instructed Costa Rican representatives, however, to be guided on this question by the United States representatives, even though the [Page 698] latter should hold a contrary opinion to that of the Costa Rican Government.
There would appear to be but a single matter in which the Minister for Foreign Affairs would be unwilling to follow our lead, namely, the question of relations with the Spanish Government. Señor Acosta informed me yesterday that the Minister of Ecuador to Guatemala recently asked the Costa Rican Minister there whether, if the question of breaking relations with Franco should arise at the Assembly, Costa Rica would not advocate such action. The Minister was instructed to reply in the negative. Señor Acosta is very much under the influence of the Spanish Chargé d’Affaires here, Señor Casares, who has consistently and successfully endeavored to become a great personal friend of the Minister for Foreign Affairs (it is still true, however, that the Costa Rican Congress and press have been steadily in favor of breaking relations with the Franco Government).
Señor Acosta has also informed me that he knows nothing of an attempt of an Argentine representative to the Assembly to call a meeting of Latin-American representatives in order to form a common policy. I am certain that the Minister would be opposed to any such attempt.
At the conclusion of our conversation the Minister stated that he knows nothing of the reported intention of the Salvadoran delegate to inform the Assembly with regard to possible plans looking toward the bringing about of Central American unity. He added that there had been no consultation with his Government on this subject.
Respectfully yours,