740.25112 RP/7–1146
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 16.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith two copies of the official printed report of the Chilean Economic Control Commission entitled, “Informe de la Comisión Chilena de Control Económico de Bienes del Eje o Pro-Eje2, (Report of the Chilean Economic Control Commission on Axis and pro-Axis Properties)79 which has just been released by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Relations. This comprehensive report of 245 pages covers the entire history of Chilean ruction against Axis and pro-Axis firms from the date of the creation of the Economic Control Commission in May, 1944 to the termination of the activities of the Commission at the close of 1945 and the early part of 1946. Twenty copies of this Report were furnished to the Embassy by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and fifteen additional copies are being forwarded to the Department by steamer pouch.
The Report in question was prepared almost in its entirety by Under Secretary Aliaga and his immediate staff, and covers exhaustively the measures of control taken by the Chilean Government against Axis and pro-Axis firms which have been “interviewed” here. In my opinion this Report confirms my previously expressed opinion that Chile has done an excellent job in eliminating the most dangerous spearhead Axis entities and deserves commendation for the action it has taken along these lines. It is true that certain properties, including various trade marks, have still not been entirely liquidated, but such assets are entirely in the possession of Chilean official entities and there is no danger so far as can be foreseen, that Axis interests will ever regain control over these properties. Some of the leading trade marks have already been sold to satisfactory purchasers [Page 589] or are now in the process of being sold at public auction, and thus far those marks having Axis connotations have been blocked under the control of the Fomento Corporation. With the withdrawal of the Proclaimed List for Chile as of midnight of July 8 last, the final chapter in the history of Chilean economic cooperation in the recent war has been brought to a close, and the Report which is now being transmitted with the present despatch provides an interesting detailed account of this aspect of the late conflict.
Respectfully yours,
- Not printed.↩