740.25112 R.P./2–1946
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
No. 13,528
[Received March 6.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the Spanish text and free English translation of a Memorandum dated February 14, 194666 [Page 580] prepared by the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which an account is given of the progress achieved in liquidating the last of the Axis spearhead firms in Chile and a request is again made for the immediate elimination of the Proclaimed and Statutory Lists in Chile. Copies of this Memorandum were also delivered simultaneously to the British and Canadian Embassies in this city.
The Memorandum in question was discussed in detail today at a meeting of representatives of the three Embassies, and it was agreed that, while the facts contained in the memorandum appear to be substantially correct, it would undoubtedly be helpful to obtain additional figures on the amount and value of Axis property remaining to be liquidated. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has promised to supply any additional details that the Embassies may desire, although it does not wish to include such details in memorandum form. A further report embodying concrete figures on the various points brought out in the Ministry’s Memorandum of February 14 will therefore be prepared and transmitted as soon as possible.
Through the Chief of the Commercial Policy Section of the Ministry, Minister Fernández has made a special request for the urgent elimination of the Lists in Chile, on the ground that adequate control measures have now been adopted and carried into execution for the liquidation of all Axis interests here which could be regarded as dangerous for the United Nations. The final reaction of the Embassy on this point will be transmitted to the Department in the detailed report for the Department mentioned above, which is already under preparation and will be forwarded at the earliest possible moment.
The British and Canadian Embassies concur in the procedure outlined in the present despatch, and will communicate with their respective Governments along similar lines.
Respectfully yours,
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