835.20225/1–946: Telegram
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:22 p.m.]
37. I was called urgently to FonOff this afternoon and as FonMin50 was absent in Cabinet meeting, I was received by Under Secretary Aliaga51 who read to me AP despatch from Washington dated January 8 attributing to Ambassador Berle52 a statement to effect that GOU in Argentina, a secret military organization which was founded in 1940 under tutelage of German Intelligence Service, had extended its activities from Buenos Aires to Chile and that this information was certain but not new. (See my 35, Jan 953 quoting pertinent portion text).
[Page 576]Aliaga read telegram he was sending to Mora55 categorically denying allegations and instructing him request explanation from Dept. He said he regarded this statement at this time as very grave and only hoped Ambassador Berle had been misquoted.
Aliaga said Chilean Army was absolutely loyal to Chilean Govt which was outstanding in its cooperation with US in suppressing Nazi firms and subversive Nazi activities. He pointed out that neither this Embassy nor Dept had ever made to Chilean Govt such allegation as that attributed to Berle. He seemed genuinely moved and spoke with considerable warmth.
As Dept is aware from numerous reports from this Embassy and, despite rumors to contrary, neither Embassy nor any of its Attachés has ever been able obtain any proof there exists any such relationship between Argentine GOU and Chilean military. See particularly my despatch 11249, Dec. 9, 194456 and previous.