824.01/7–3046: Telegram

The Ambassador in Bolivia (Flack) to the Secretary of State

us urgent

740. Diplomatic Corps met for 2 hours today at Dean’s request. Venezuelan Ambassador announced receipt instructions his Govt to extend recognition Bolivian Provisional Govt, stating he had done so last evening.

Dean further announced Solares informed him last evening reply unofficial representations made behalf of Corps July 26 that differentiation would probably be necessary among those in asylum in diplomatic [Page 368] missions as between criminals and political refugees. Corps decided that this differentiation improper in light of Montevideo treaty previously cited and Dean instructed to insist on right of egress from Bolivia for 38 persons in asylum in various missions, which include several ex-MNR Cabinet Ministers.50

Venezuelan Ambassador also stated Solares had told him that the Govt would, with reorganization of army and police, establish new security force with distinctive uniform. Venezuelan Ambassador himself admitted that forces Junta did not at present control order in La Paz but this still in hands of students and workers who staged revolution although comparatively good order prevails. My Peruvian, Brazilian and Colombian colleagues feel that for this reason recognition should not be extended precipitately but that time be allowed to induce Govt control of order. Brazilian told me in confidence he had advised his Govt to go slow. Situation practically normal with no shooting heard last night and in my opinion de facto order prevails with fine cooperation of populace, however I incline toward views other colleagues above expressed. Italian Minister51 informed me he is instructed follow my lead in eventual recognition.

Repeated to Lima, Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Asunción.

  1. The subject of asylum is partially documented in Bolivia, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Boletin, July–December, 1946, No. 13, pp. 35 ff.
  2. Alfonso Errera.