824.01/7–2646: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Several Am Reps have inquired this Govs views re recognition of new Bolivian Govt. For your info and guidance should Govt to which you are accredited raise question following is Depts position:

In light of its apparent popular basis and democratic nature this Govt entertains favorable impression new regime. Likewise it is favorably impressed by public assurances of Junta that elections will be called in near future and that Bolivia’s international obligations will be fulfilled. Unless untoward developments occur to alter public order and subject to further reports from our Ambassador in La Paz this Govt prepared to extend early recognition as soon as stability of regime seems assured.

We assume that shortly some one of the Am Reps may initiate consultation with the others in respect to recognition of the new Bolivian Govt.
