
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of River Plate Affairs (Mann)


Dr. Mora40 said that the first impressions of the Uruguayan Foreign Office regarding the new regime in Bolivia were good. He was instructed to inquire whether the Department had any adverse information [Page 364] and what our position was in respect of recognition. He said obliquely, but nonetheless definitely, that Uruguay would not be adverse to taking the initiative if the Department was disposed to recognize.

I told him that I would look into the matter and call him back. I then talked to Mr. Wells41 and in accordance with his suggestion called Dr. Mora and said that our preliminary impressions were likewise favorable but that no definite decision would be made until after a meeting which would probably be held this afternoon. I said that I would call back.

Comment: Since we were charged with having instigated the last Uruguayan initiative I have some doubts about the wisdom of working too closely with the Uruguayans on this question unless we are prepared to let them carry the ball all the way. Whatever the decision is, however, I hope that it will be possible to inform Dr. Mora of our conclusions in sufficient time to allow him to inform his Foreign Office before the Uruguayans hear of our position from some other quarter.

  1. Uruguayan Chargé.
  2. Milton K. Wells, Chief of the Division of North and West Coast Affairs.