824.00/7–2346: Telegram
The Ambassador in Bolivia (Flack) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 24—4:30 p.m.]
693. Rector Ormachea just called with university Secretary General Claudio Sanjines at direct order of Junta President Guillen to state following:
The Provisional Govt is to be one of institutions not of men. Therefore there will be a six man Junta, adding Superior Court Justice Cabrera García and one other so far undesignated judge from same court. There will be no Cabinet. The six Junta members will themselves take over portfolios probably as follows: Guillen, Defense; Solares, Foreign Affairs and Education; Cabrera García, Govt; Guyalves Indaburo, Finance and Economy; Alcoba, Labor, and the unnamed judge will take Public Works and Agriculture.
They anticipate three decrees will be promptly issued: (1) stating constitution of 1938 with 1945 modifications plus all laws treaties and agreements continue in force (2) general amnesty, and (3) convoking elections for President, Senators and Deputies probably within 90 days. No decree laws will be issued during pre-election period. Claudio Sanjines will be named secretary of the Junta.
Rector stressed friendship Junta for US. Was obviously feeling out possibility early recognition which he doubtless desires greatly. [Page 363] He was told that this matter in exclusive hands of Dept. Rector praised orderliness of people under circumstances and said AP and UP despatches exaggerating disorders had been found to originate in Buenos Aires.