824.00/7–2246: Telegram
The Ambassador in Bolivia (Flack) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 23—3:02 a.m.]
687. Full meeting of Diplomatic Corps was convoked by Dean in Venezuelan Embassy at noon today. After a lengthy discussion Corps decided to send a committee asking the President of the Junta unofficially and informally to convey requests (1) that remains of President Villarroel, now in morgue, be embalmed and repose temporarily in Cathedral and (2) augmented student guards for various Embassies to protect those who have sought asylum there and to broadcast over the official radio that the Junta and its dependents must respect the right of asylum.
The following prominent people have taken refuge: Pinto in Mexican Embassy, Ponce and Zuazo Cuenca in Ecuadoran Legation, Mrs. Villarroel and children in the Nunciatura, Mayor Gutiérrez Granier in Peruvian Embassy. Other prominent persons of the old regime and some Cabinet officers have escaped from the country in 6 small A–T 6’s and one C–47.38 It is not definite that old Cabinet members have been executed.
The Dean was instructed by the Corps in his interview with the Junta President to underline the fact that although he was leading a committee of diplomats, this step was in no way to be construed as a recognition of the Junta but was taken solely out of political necessity and for practical reasons.
Chief of Protocol continues in office and we have had personal conversations with him.
- Light transport planes.↩