824.00/5–1246: Telegram
The Chargé in Bolivia (Adam) to the Secretary of State
us urgent
[Received 7:13 p.m.]
408. First official preliminary election returns just announced by MinGovt.5 Of nine Senators, six went to MNR, two to other pro-Govts and one to Opposition (Liberal). Of 49 known deputies, 26 to MNR, 13 to Independent pro-Govt, 5 to Independent Opposition, 2 each to Genuine Republicans and Independent Socialists and 1 Plain Independent. Final canvas for deputies will be made last Sunday in May and the following Sunday for Senators.
Composition of new Congress as follows: Senate, 14 Opposition and 13 MNR and supporters. House, MNR and supporters 71, Opposition 30, Independent Socialists 3, Independent 1, with 6 seats still unknown.
MinGovt announced specifically Belmonte6 had won 3 seats (Sud Lipez, Carangas, and Camacho). As he can only fill one, continues announcement, properly qualified alternates must fill remaining two. Full election report in preparation and will go forward this week.