
The Ambassador in Argentina (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State

No. 1166

Sir: …

The Argentine Government has been going into the matter of Mr. Ludwig Freude for a number of months with a great deal of care to the knowledge of this Embassy. I now have to transmit herewith (enclosure 1) a translation of a decree41 published in the Boletín Oficial of October 23, 1946, signed by the President, the Foreign Minister, and the Minister of the Interior, as is necessary in the case of such decrees, which clears Ludwig Freude of any charges brought against him to the effect that he had lent himself to anti-Argentine activities and the decree directs the return to him of such property, real and personal, which had been embargoed by the Argentine Government through the Junta de Vigilancia y Disposición Final de la Propiedad Enemiga.

Respectfully yours,

George S. Messersmith
  1. Translation not printed.