710. Consultation 4/4–846: Telegram
The Ambassador in Paraguay (Beaulac) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:20 p.m.]
154. Following is translation of note from Foreign Minister dated today:
“Mr. Ambassador: …
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[Page 18]… Discounting the circumstance that the United States was not and is not animated by any feeling of hostility toward the Argentine people, and that, on the contrary, it was inspired solely by the ‘desire to strengthen the friendship relations between the people of the United States and the people of Argentina by bringing into the open those conditions which had caused the Government of the United States great embarrassment and concern in its relations with the then Government of Argentina’ an attitude assumed by the United States ‘acting in defense and not in derogation of the principles of the inter-American system’ it is the opinion of the Paraguayan Government that because of its clearly democratic origin the new Argentine Government necessarily will give its support and its full and decided collaborations in the negotiation and signature of a pact of mutual assistance which will guarantee the peace and security of a united and indivisible American Continent.
The Government of Paraguay shares with the Government of the United States the fervent hope that the new Argentine Government democratically and constitutionally elected in its two branches Executive and Legislative, will demonstrate by immediate and effective acts its adherence to and compliance with solemn obligations contracted as a member State of the inter-American system and that it will direct its internal and foreign policy toward the ideal of continental cooperation, understanding and solidarity.
I take this opportunity to reiterate to you, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Signed Antonio Taboada”
I understand statement has been made available to press and will be published tomorrow.