The Ambassador in Colombia (Wiley) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 18—6:10 a.m.]
496. Mytel 488, July 16.9 Mr. Dawson returned this afternoon from Medellín after 2–hour interview with López Contreras. Dawson proceeding tomorrow by air to Caracas whence full report will be submitted to Dept. I took Dawson to President Lleras10 this evening to whom Dawson gave full account of conversation which, in very brief substance was that the General retains his rancor, is not involved in any revolutionary plots, has no political ambitions but has no intention of pulling any political chestnuts out of fire for triumvirate. He stated that if Junta took really positive steps promising truly national govt his collaboration might be counted upon. He further stated he intended proceed Miami in December. Dawson added that General was living in most modest circumstances in Medellín.
President Lleras will call in Santos11 on his return and will I think attempt to follow up and support Dawson’s mission since Colombian Govt is obviously much preoccupied over political conditions in both Venezuela and Ecuador for fear of repercussions in Colombia. On this subject President Lleras stated his information was that a military coup d’état in Ecuador was imminent. He spoke of impending military maneuvers in neighborhood of Quito with great misgivings. Repeated Caracas; substance of last paragraph repeated to Quito.