
The Department of State to the Brazilian Embassy


Reference is made to the Brazilian Embassy’s memorandum of May 21, 1946 calling attention to the fact that Brazil will require a minimum of 30,000 metric tons of wheat for the remainder of the second quarter, and requesting that all grain and flour shipped for [Page 138] Brazilian account from the United States be placed at the disposal of the Comissão Nacional do Trigo, in order that the Comissão may distribute it within the country as circumstances require.

The requirements placed against the United States have been so heavy in recent months that supplies in this country are extremely short. Many local bakeries have been obliged either to close down or to operate on a part-time basis, and despite the numerous control measures instituted by this Government in an effort to maximize exports, shipments of relief wheat to famine areas are greatly in arrears. Under the circumstances, allotments to countries which are in a position to draw upon other sources of supply have had to be kept at a minimum.

Since the quantities of wheat flour programmed for Brazil out of the United States, 136,000 hundredweight, will not in any event meet more than a small proportion of total Brazilian requirements, this flour was scheduled for North Brazilian destinations in an effort to conserve shipping and minimize cross hauls. The Brazilian Embassy may be assured that its supply position will be kept under constant review and that every effort will be made to see that Brazil receives equitable treatment.