The Ambassador in Peru (Pawley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:11 p.m.]
211. For Wheeler and Hutson99 Agriculture from Haggerty.1 Have personally investigated wheat situation and food supply in Peru. Mills closed and closing lack of wheat. Stocks of flour including wheat on hand and afloat sufficient for requirements through March. Shipment [Page 1267] of 8000 tons from United States promised in telegram 1472 will partly meet April requirements. Normal imports hand to mouth basis 12,500 tons wheat monthly. Personally believe starvation and food riots can be avoided with deliveries 8000 tons from all sources monthly be [by?] consuming existing rice stocks and current crop rice and beans as available. Urge all possible consideration deliveries 8000 tons monthly beginning with promised cargo March. Wheat preferable to flour since bran and shorts important to milk supply. Also closing of mills will exaggerate crisis in public mind with grave consequences in markets and to Govt. From political standpoint suggest advisability supplying United States wheat now and channelizing Argentine wheat as available into general channels.