Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Acting Assistant Chief of the Division of North and West Coast Affairs (Hall)68
The Ambassador reported that Staff Sgt. Eiland died at 2:55 a.m. today and asked whether he should present the note drafted by him last night acknowledging Peruvian jurisdiction over the Talara offenders. Mr. Cooper seemed to think that the Peruvians would believe that the note was presented only because of the Sgt’s death.
Mr. Braden replied that this unfortunate demise did not change the principle involved and that the note should therefore be presented, preferably dated Friday, the day of his conversation with the Foreign Minister on this subject.
In reply to a query regarding legal assistance for the accused, Mr. Braden told the Ambassador that this was a question for the War Department, which has it under advisement. It was agreed that this should be made clear also to General Crittenberg’s representatives in Lima.
- Conversation between the Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs (Braden), in Washington, and the Ambassador in Peru (Cooper).↩