893.00/5–1046: Airgram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

A–157. Reference is made to Dairen’s despatch no. 4, May 10, 1946, to the Embassy entitled “Survey of Political Situation in Dairen”, a copy of which has been received in the Department.

As the Department attaches much importance to significant developments bearing on the future status of Dairen, it would welcome any information which the Embassy may be in a position to report on the following points:

What is the present attitude of the Chinese Government with regard to the resumption of Chinese administrative control of Dairen and re-opening of Dairen to navigation and trade?
Has the Chinese Government held any negotiations with the Soviet Government in recent months with respect to the status of Dairen under the terms of the Sino-Soviet treaty of August 1945 or otherwise? If so, what was the nature of the negotiations?

Any information which the Embassy may be able to gather discreetly on the foregoing and related developments should be telegraphed to the Department and relayed to the Embassy at Moscow for its information.
